Sunday, August 28, 2005

One week down - 15 to go.

So, I made it through week one of work + school with few scars. I have completed all of my homework for the week, and still managed to get in about 30 hours at the job. I'm only keeping that pace at work until after Labor Day. (so I can get the holiday pay.) Is it really worth it? Probably not - but I can't say no. One day, I'll need a favor - and one of the favors I've done will be ready to cash in. I hope.

I worked today, so it just now feels like the weekend is beginning. Unfortunately, for me, tomorrow will be clean the house day. This place is beyond messy. Marmee told me to get used to it - because the further into the semester I get - the less time I'll have to worry about housework, or cooking, or bathing... Maybe she didn't mention bathing. Hard to be sure. But, my thinking is - clean while I have time to clean. Then there won't be layers of filth. Or - at least not as many layers.

After work today, Alex and I went to his Mother's house to pick up some boxes of his things. She has been trying for 6 or 7 months to sell her house, and he's been procrastinating on getting his things out. I don't know what I'll do when my Mom finally decides she's selling our house. I have SO MUCH CRAP piled up in that house, it's UNREAL. After going to his Mom's - we went to Marmee's and had dinner. It was a good time. Marmee is such a riot. She gets to laughing, and her face turns purple, and it's just contagious. :)

I meant to post on here that before school started, I read the cutest book. For anyone who is a teacher (or becoming one), I recommend Thirty-two Third Graders and One Class Bunny by Phillip Done. Despite the fact that I am wanting to teach college-level students, and NOT 3rd grade, I found the book to be inspiring, funny, and relevant. I know most of you are in school - either teaching, learning, or both... But maybe over Christmas break - look into it. You'll love it. :)

Okay - I'm babbling at this point. So I'll end for the day.

1 comment:

a said...

I probably would take that trade at this point. This place is still a stye (sp?). Lame! I was too tired - and ended up just cleaning the bathroom & kitchen. Only the vital things.

Marmee's neighborhood is having a big garage sale in Oct. Think I'm gonna sell a buncha my shit & hope for some benjamins. :)
