Monday, August 15, 2005

Photos on the way!

I have FINALLY taken the film to be developed. :) It is due to be picked up this evening. I'm hoping that with my day off tomorrow - I can get some things posted.

In other news I am feeling much much better! And, as a plus - my company has decided that we no longer have to work late hours. HOORAY!!! NO MORE LATE NIGHTS!

I've purchased my books for school - and I'm all set for the Fall semester!

Aren't you all just excited beyond recognition????

Keep those comments coming! I love hearing from you!


AllerHeather said...
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AllerHeather said...
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AllerHeather said...

AllerHeather said...
Guess since you've taken the photos in, that makes ME Queen of Procrastination.. Yep, still working on that Independent Study paper - from last summer. I'm in Texas trying to get this done and hang out w/ some folks... Not sure when I'll be back in Tulsa ('cause, hey, not like I've got a job to get to or anything), but I'll let ya know. When do your classes start?