Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No pictures today, folks.
I’ve been WAY too tired and scatterbrained to even take my rolls of film in to be developed. One of the downsides to using real film, I guess.

I’m currently not feeling so well. I’m guessing that my allergies are pissed that I’ve come back to Oklahoma. Because for allergies – Oklahoma might as well be the seat of Hell. So – I’ve been sniffling, and coughing for 2 days now. And night before last – I was awakened by something that I haven’t been woken by in at least twenty years… Snot actually running down my face. I know it’s gross. And most of you are thinking this is WAY more information than you ever wanted. But tough. This is MY blog, and I can talk about whatever I want!! So – I had to sleep last night with a Kleenex stuffed up one of my nostrils to prevent future dripping. I’m sure I looked hot. Poor Alex.

Another weird occurrence last night was that around 3am, the smoke alarm in our apartment went off. There are several layers of weird here… A – There was no smoke. B – Our electricity went off last night, too – and popped back on sometime after the alarm started going off. And C – it took FOREVER for it to register in my mind that the beeping I heard was not my alarm clock, my neighbor’s alarm clock, somebody’s car alarm, or an alien ship coming to kidnap me. It was probably only 30 seconds – but in that “I just am coming out of a really deep sleep” fog – it felt like it took me 3 or 4 minutes to realize what was going on. And Alex slept until I got up. So – if there is ever a fire – I guess we’d burn.

That’s sad.

Especially since the smoke detector is RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR BEDROOM DOOR.

I had a hard time getting back to sleep after that, because my brain kept saying “what if that’s a carbon monoxide detector too? And you’re going to die because you ignored its warnings!!”

Sleep was more important than investigation.

I’m congested. Why is it that when you’re sick, it’s always worse at night?? LAME!!! I felt okay during the day today. Okay-ish, really… But now, I’m starting to feel all fuzzy headed, and tired. DAMN SINUSES!!

On a more serious note – I heard that my best friend and his new wife got into a car accident yesterday. They totaled the car – but the last I heard was that they were both okay. Philip & Jessica – my thoughts are with you. I wish you both a speedy physical, mental, and financial recovery from this!

I’m spent. That’s all I got tonight. Remember – I’d love to hear from you guys too… Comments are open to whomever – and my email DOES receive notes in the inbox. (Or – I THINK it still does – haven’t gotten any to test that theory recently!)

I’m out.

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