Sunday, August 07, 2005


originally uploaded by amberqt.
We decided to go to Serendipity. I really wanted to have a frozen hot chocolate. Um, what the movies & TV don't tell you is that the entrance is as big as - oh, maybe a bedroom closet; it's not air-conditioned; the hostess is this 3,000 year-old hag who's been smoking since 675 A.D., and obviously has a very rigid object lodged in her hind quarters; and the wait will be AT LEAST 1 hour IF NOT LONGER!!!! We waited about 25 mins but when 15 more people came and packed their hot, sweaty, cranky selves into the waiting area - I had to get out. So we left. The rest of that evening was low key. The bummer about our trip was that we would get up and go go go, only to be COMPLETELY exhausted by dinnertime. So much so that we RARELY did anything at night. Not that we’re the club or bar types anyhow.

By Thursday morning, we were POOPED! But I was on a mission… I HAD TO HAVE at least one knock-off purse. If you’ve never been to NYC, you may not know… But these are A – illegal, and B – drastically varying in quality. After a THREE hour hunt – I found a guy who had some. I bought 3 Coach’s and 1 Kate Spade. They’re great. Furthermore, I only spent $110 total. Feel free to be jealous.

We didn’t do much else Thursday because we knew we were getting up at 4:30 Friday morning to head out. So we read, and rested in our hotel room. Looking at this – it doesn’t seem like we did very many things, but we both feel like we saw and did everything we wanted to while we were there. And we’re both SO GLAD to be home!! I have to go back to work starting tomorrow. (yuck) So, that is all I’ll write for tonight.

Thanks for reading! I’ll post more pictures as soon as I get them developed.

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