Thursday, August 25, 2005

Grad School - Day One

Okay - so day one, class one... I'm thinking I've got this in the bag. The prof let us know that we have an 87% chance of an A in the class - the rest with B's and very few if any grades lower than that. He quelled all my fears. Then I went to Lit Theory. And all my fears were confirmed!! This class is going to be CRAZY hard!! The teacher's style is like watching a Tarentino film! Completely non-linear and tangential. I'm SO freaking out!!! This class is going to be my undoing. I'm seriously considering dropping down to 9 hours. I think 12 hours might be too many. When I'm facing a 5 chapter research paper, 2 12 page papers, and who knows what else... Maybe that's enough.

I can't believe that I was sitting here in this living room already doing homework last night. I realize that for a lot of people - grad school is just like undergrad, except more expensive. I think that for me - it might be a helluva lot more of a challenge. We shall see.

What was nice was that I heard from some of the girls I made friends with last semester at NSU today. I miss seeing them everyday, since they were the closest thing I had to friends here in Tulsa. And it was perfect, because we were in-class friends. That way, we could hang out, and be friends, but still have our personal lives. It really appealed to my flaky side.

Can I just say that I am so thankful for Alex?? He is such a wonderful guy. He takes EXCELLENT care of me. What would I do without him???


a said...

Thanks, Philly. You are a big poopface. :)

Love Ber

a said...
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a said...

Shelley - we are SO much alike! I can't believe you get the live feed! I'm JEALOUS!! Are you friendship or soverign?