Monday, March 09, 2009

Will I catch the moon Like a bird in a cage It's for you I swoon I'm always in love

Sitting in the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport waiting for my flight back to OKC.

It was a great weekend! The Beggar's Opera (at USC) was fantastic! My cousin is crazy funny & talented - and his classmates (fellow cast members) are talented and very sweet!

The weekend was a whirlwind! First - my flight out of OKC was to have departed at 6:30am was CANCELED. The airline called me at 2:30am to let me know, and tried to re-accommodate me on a flight that was to arrive in LA at 8pm... TOO LATE to see Nicky's show! After some time on the phone, at 3:15am - I had to wake Alex & leave for the airport to catch my new flight which was to leave OKC at 5:35am!! I wound up having to connect through Atlanta. (For all of you who fly ever... THE FLIGHT FROM ATLANTA TO LOS ANGELES IS BRUTAL!) Five hours long! Naturally, I was in the middle of the middle - so for 5 hours I was smushed in between a guy who was snotting and coughing all over the place, and a woman who was afraid to get her outfit wrinkled.

But I made it to LA by noon. Picked up my Grandmother (who flew in from Chicago) and was supposed to pick up my Aunt and other cousin - but they had missed their flight out of North Carolina, so they didn't arrive until 4.

Then once we were all at the hotel - we had to QUICK change & dress to go to dinner and Nicky's show. (which was great)

The next day - I wasn't feeling so hot, so Gram, Donna, & Manny went to a movie and I stayed at the hotel feeling puny & slept. Then - back out to dinner & Nicky's show again. (which was even better than the first time)

Sunday was relaxing. We went to the LA zoo and then took Nick to dinner at CPK for his birthday. It was great - we had so much fun! Back at the hotel - Donna, Nick, and I stayed up talking until after 1am. Wake up call was at 4:15. Am I hurting much? Um... yeah.

I am going to board a plane (a really small and COMPLETELY full one) to go home, and once there - I will be picked up by my sweetheart husband - and taken to my 4:25pm class at OU. (We are all keeping our fingers crossed that I make it there on time!)

Current time - 1:30
Original departure time - 12:55pm
Let's see how it goes.

gates out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my oh my oh my. i'm so glad you guys had a good time. we missed you at the shower, but it was great to have my sister around.
lets talk has been too long! kakes