Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Surface slowly at your own speed waiting for some sky. We're all laughing, we're all faking just to see you smile.

I'm in class. Model student! Yep! That's me.

It's an educational sociology class. It's really interesting most nights. And it's mildly interesting tonight, but I'm having a hard time focusing. Also I am sleepy. So, I need to entertain my brain for at least a few minutes.

Spring break is next week. It used to be something I so looked forward to - SPRING BREAK WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! A week of fun travel, or relaxing on the couch watching Bob Barker every day. This year - it's 8 hour work days in the library, because I am SO behind. And I am a big enough nerd that I'm actually looking forward to having the time to catch up on my schoolwork.

But before that - I'm so looking forward to kakes' wedding!! I love that we totally bonded over our 5+ year ringless relationships. I remember eating peanut butter popsicles (actually just peanut butter on a spoon) in my classroom and talking about our frustrations. We weren't sure our boyfriends at the time were ever going to want to be married. And now look at us!! 2 fantastically happy married (almost) women who are in two of the best relationships I've ever seen. Our marriages are going to last. We have tested our relationships with years and years of getting to really know one another, and being in love, and being frustrated, and being happy, and being sad, and just being together.

I am so proud of us. I feel like so many marriages are the result of whirlwind romances and impulse. Not that a marriage with that kind of genesis can't succeed... But they really don't tend to.

I know - I actually 100% know - that I will be married to Alex until one of us passes away. I know that he and I will be a great example for our children. We will always communicate well, we will always choose each other first, and we will laugh together everyday. I see other men that I find attractive, and my mind occasionally begins to wander down the "what if" road - but it ALWAYS stops when I realize that were I to pursue another man, it would mean I would have to not be with Alex. And that STOPS THE PROCESS. I do not want to ever be without him. Ever.

Okay. Enough preachy preachy. Break time in class. I can focus on that.

g out

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