Saturday, March 28, 2009

Two steps forward, two steps back.

Saturday night.

I enjoy Saturdays because Alex has class all day, and then goes to play D&D at night. No - right off, that sounds bad... I was never the kind of person who needed my alone time. But I think that years of co-habitation have made me rethink that concept, and to be really honest, I do need some alone time every now and then. Not for a good reason, or even a sexy reason... Just so I can watch lame, cheese ball movies on TBS in my jammies while I do laundry. (And, really - I could do that with him here... But then he comes through every hour or so and laughs at whatever movie I happen to be watching for the hundredth time - and I already know how lame I am for watching these movies over and over again, I don't need to be reminded.)

So - right now, it's Miss Congeniality. I love that movie.

This week was busy and eventful. Eventhough I'm not teaching right now, since my students are doing their field experience, I've been busy busy busy. I made my 10 hours for my research assistant job. 10 hours doesn't sound like much, but it had me hopping! Also - I went to the doctor, and he won the argument... Since I am trying to get pregnant, he decided it would be best to take out all of the saline in my fill. YIKES! So - I'm a normal mortal again, and already it's a struggle. I've started keeping a very careful journal of what I'm eating. I know what I'm eating a small fraction of what I did pre-surgery... But I'm still managing to go over my desired 1200 calorie daily intake. I looked online at a "healthy body calculator" which allows you to enter your height, weight, age, etc... and it calculates how many calories, fat grams, etc... you should consume daily in order to either maintain, gain, or lose weight. So - to maintain, I should consume 2000 calories, and to lose I should consume 1200. Yesterday, I hit 1400, and today I'm at 1600. I'm hoping not to gain too much (or any) and in fact am hoping to continue to lose. Now that I'm not so tight - that cough I've had since February 2nd is gone, so I should find it easier to workout without getting too short of breath.

So, that's my health situation.

As for school/work... Things are going okay. 5 more weeks of classes in which I have to complete 2 10 page papers, and a 20 page paper, plus a 5 page paper & presentation. None of that should be too terribly awful. ;)

There was supposed to be a huge snowstorm this weekend. It didn't actually happen here. There was snow. But it was gone by about 2 this afternoon. I hear the weather is supposed to warm right back up. I can say that all the pressure changes in the atmosphere have given me headaches like crazy! Stupid Oklahoma weather.

Well - cheesy movie #1 is almost over, and I'm settling in to my chair for #2 - Sex & the City!

G'night all!


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