Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I want to I want to be someone else or Ill explode Floating upon this surface for the birds The birds The birds

In Tulsa in a hotel room all by my lonesome.

Not that I'm a super sad panda, or anything. It was my choice. I could have stayed (for free) at my Mom's house, or my Dad's house, or my Mother-in-law's house, or my Grandparents-in-law's house... etc...

But I just didn't feel comfortable doing that - who knows why, and so I decided to grab a hotel room.

So, here I am. Watching Law & Order with a diet pepsi by my side.

The drive here today was great! I plugged in my iPhone, and turned up the music loud. I sang loud and sometimes off-key, I danced... It was just like when I was a teenager. In fact, I felt like a teenager. I had my left leg pulled up next to me in the seat, and I was bopping around like a lunatic.

After I got into town, I took care of a couple of errands - and then I got to go shopping! I've been giving all of my too-big-for-me-clothes to Marmee, and she's used them, then taken them to a consignment shop. She sent me a $92 check for all the clothes of mine that have sold. So I got to go shop for some clothes that actually fit me. I decided my dollar would stretch the farthest at Kohl's - considering their huge clearance sections at any given time. I think I did pretty well. I got 6 or 7 tops 3 pair of pants, and a SUPER cute purse. (okay, so I didn't technically "need" the purse in a strict sense of the word - but you should see it... it is SO cute, a really pretty green color - AND my laptop fits in it, which is a bonus!)

Now, it's 10:00 - and I'm winding down. Time to watch the news (apparently, it's going to snow Friday & Saturday... Crazy Oklahoma weather)

I need a book I can read for fun. I don't want to start reading a chapter for school, because I'm not in the mood to be all focused and highlighting... At the same time, I love to read before going to sleep. Conundrum!

Sweet dreams, people!

-g money

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