Sunday, March 01, 2009

her name was McGill, and she called herself "Lil", but everyone knew her as Nancy

Well, here I am.

Married to the man I love.

Pursuing the degree in the field I love.

Actively trying (although not at this exact moment) to conceive a child.

Completely happy? Blissful even??

Well - I'm close.

Aside from the fact that I've been on this pattern of sick for 5 days, well for 2 - for the last 4 weeks now... And that having affected my school work ever so slightly (read: I'm WAY behind), all is going swimmingly.

I'm a little in danger of taking on more than I can chew again at work. I've just taken the position of Research Assistant for my boss - a 10 hour addition to my weekly work schedule in which I will be in some schools in rural Oklahoma taking field notes. Now, the good news about all of that is that I will be included as an author on the forthcoming paper (which is a big deal) and I will ALSO get to go and present this paper with the team in December at the NRC. (National Reading Conference.. Big deal in my field)

I'm also a facebook fiend, and joining up with the Twitteratti...

Yeah - I'm THAT cool.

In other (read: not about me) news... One of my besties is getting married! Super excited about kakes' upcoming nuptuals!! We had a festive, debaucherous, and flat out fantastic time at her bachelorette party this weekend. Pin the "macho" on the "man" (read: Aiden)... A rice krispie treat member fashioning contest... Risque pictionary... Plus all the other fun and racy things we girls do when we get together. (And, no... for any men out there, that does NOT include a pillow fight in our panties, or ANY sort of orgy in or out of the jacuzzi tub) <- Did I get those questions from any men in my life. *sigh* yes.

Alex (my husband) :) is doing really well in school. He made it unscathed through his first semester of his master's degree. I couldn't be prouder of him. Not only is he taking 9 hours this term, but he works out every day. EVERY DAY. I do not have that kind of commitment. I would like to - but, ehem... this part isn't supposed to be about me.

Anyway - Alex has been doing all kinds of great things for this world recently. His Grandpa had quadruple bypass surgery in January, and Alex committed to being his workout buddy. So everyday, Alex calls him and says that it's time to work out... Grandpa goes and walks around his house, and Alex hits the treadmill. How cute is my husband, I ask you?!?

How was the wedding?

It was the most perfect day I've ever spent. Relaxing at the begining, surrounded by my closest friends and family. Exciting at the middle, and romantic during the ceremony... The dinner, the dancing, the friendship & fun... It truly couldn't have been better.

The honeymoon - to El Dorado Royale on Riviera Maya in Mexico was SUPER awesome. Drinks brought to us to our private palapa on the beach, AMAZING food, we literally layzed about having 24 hour room service brought to us in our suite, on the beach, etc... we did go out one day snorkeling and Alex got to ride on a spinacher (sp?). Otherwise, it was SUPER relaxing and romantic. The perfect honeymoon in my humble opinion.

When we got home, we had a pile of laundry over 4 feet high. It was intimidating, but I powered through it - and am now working on recreating that act of genius.

Okay. As requested by my known audience of 1... I will do my best to update more frequently. I make no guarantees.

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