Monday, March 02, 2009

Well, maybe if you told me they were delicious Triscuit crackers I could have enjoyed them with you

This morning, I woke up hacking up a large and disgusting ball of phleghm from the depths of my lungs. I know it came from there due to it's.... (wait - this is really gross, and you probably don't want to know any more details about it, do you?)

Let me start over.

This morning I woke coughing. It was most unpleasant, and I am now acutely aware that I currently have a sinus infection. Have made yet another doctors appointment for tomorrow, which was the earliest I could get in. Now, my day will unfold before me....

Will I be able to concentrate long enough to complete my assignments due in class today at 4? Will I be able to do any laundry so I don't have to attend the afforementioned class in my pajamas? Will I even attempt to attend said class to begin with?

All good questions, friends. To which I have no answers.

Let's go see what's for breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry you are not doing any better! i was SO happy to see that it was not Yawn and more yawn at the top! write when you can, but i know you are busy. kisses...