Monday, March 09, 2009

'Cause every time I hear that melody, well, puts me up a tree,

**back post**

entry written 3.5.09

I leave in the morning for LA. I’m going to see my cousin (read: baby brother)in the USC production of The Beggar’s Opera. I’m really excited to be going, because I will also be seeing my 2 of my aunts and my grandma, and a few of my other cousins. I love being with my family.

I’ve always considered myself to be a family girl first and foremost. Like, if it were up to me, I would honestly have family reunions every summer. Only without the attitudes that my family tends to get. They get grouchy about spending their money to travel to whatever destination, and they get grouchy about spending time together – all the while they say that they want to be a close family, and that they want to spend time together.

I don’t understand it. Although my family is definitely strange. The dynamics in my family are certainly strange under the best of circumstances. My cousin, for example, dropping out of my wedding 2 months before it was scheduled to happen, and then the week of the wedding, deciding that her husband & sons wouldn’t be coming. I don’t understand her. Why can’t she be more selfless? Now – were I to confront her about it, she would say that she was being selfless by coming at all. Because the story she told me was that her husband lost her job – and they couldn’t afford to come. The problem is that the story doesn’t hold water according to what the rest of the family knows.

Maybe I’m just being overly judgmental. I’m sure she has her family priorities in place – and that she did what was best for them. And I have to realize that my wedding isn’t necessarily a priority for every person in my family. I guess, the bottom line is that I was disappointed that it wasn’t a bigger deal for her.

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