Saturday, July 08, 2006

Refurbishing a jewel

Energy up uP UP!!! Today I am really feeling my Wheaties. Eventhough I didn't have any. I had a 2-egg omlette, thank you - and it was yum-o.

After my super delicious breakfast - I was ready to take on the world! But, instead I took on my treadmill. I did just over a mile - and despite the fact that I was covered in sweat, I looked outside and saw 2 dirty, gross, badly in need of attention cars. So I donned my bathing suit and a pair of jean shorts - and outside I went. I cleaned the interior and exterior of both of our cars. And not just cleaned. Detailed. It took me just over 2 hours to get it all done. I can feel that my shoulders and arms might be angry with me over the matter tomorrow - but today, I don't care.

It was nice, and a little strange to have so much energy. And it's still going. I'm already turning my mind to "what to cook for dinner". Even though we had chicken yesterday - it might be chicken again... Ooh! Or Taco salads... *be right back*

Humpf! Not enough lettuce for taco salads. Maybe I can convince Alex to go and buy some more....

Anywho - I'm thrilled, energized, and handling the boredom better. ;)

Those of you in the Moore/Norman area - I'm heading that way soon... About 2 weeks from now. Clear your calendars!

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