Thursday, July 06, 2006

90 Days RISK-FREE! No catch. No Commitment.

Today - I bent over and took it from NSU. To the tune of $500. I'm so bitter about it - I don't even want to get into it.

Otherwise, things are going along nicely. I'm reading one of the books I'll be teaching in the fall - and I'm starting to map out the year's lesson plans. I wonder if a whole year of teaching will zip by as quickly as the half year did. Somehow - I'm guessing it will. Some of the other teachers said that it seemed like they blinked - and had been teaching 10 years.

I'm really starting to get into the details of planning Marmee's 50th birthday bash! I've got the menu pretty well planned, and now - I'm just waiting for people to RSVP so I can get a final headcount. We invited close to 50 people. And that doesn't count any "plus ones" that they decide to bring. I can't wait! It should be a really great party!

Personal life? Eh. Things are alright. I really can't complain. That having been said - I am still feeling pretty self conscious. I'm wondering if I'll ever be the sassy, self-confident, brazen girl I used to be? I kinda hope I will. Looking back, it was pretty fun. (although after reading my previous post about this topic, I came out sounding like a bitch. I wasn't some man-eating psycho chick. I just knew what I wanted, and was totally unwilling to compromise)

Guess I don't have a long post in me today... I'm going to go read for a while.

I hope all is well with you out there!

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