Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm only happy when it rains

mmmm. yummy! A stormy, rainy evening and night. I don't know that there is much better. :) As is true with my life, I prefer the chaos and rumble of a good storm to a clear, sunny day. Guess I'm twisted like that.

I finished reading Johnny Tremain last night. For those of you planning to read along at home, don't bother with this one. It wasn't a bad book perse. But it wasn't really a good one eithter. It was 250 pages I could have gone without reading. Except for the fact that I have to teach it this year. :)

Anyway, I think I'll be reading Treasure Island next. Then The Seer and the Sword. Good times.

So - here I am. All snuggly and cuddled up with a blankie. Listening to a good storm rumble through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ber.. this is chad.. first time commenter, long time reader!!!

There is nothing better than a good stormy night. Listening to the rythm of the falling rain... The warm, snuggly feeling you get!!!