Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where are you off to today with your books and all their truths? do you find within their pages what we must not lose?

greetings friends!

Today officially kicked off my spring break, and as you would expect - I'm heading to Daytona to party rock-star style in my bikini while I do keg stands and hook up with random frat guys.

reality translation: Today officially kicked off my spring break, and as you would expect - I'm heading to the library to try to catch up on all this work I have to do in my comfiest sweatpants while I drink far too much caffeine and wish I were doing something more photo worthy.

Funny story. My Mom is spending the night at our house tonight because she has a meeting out here in the morning. So - I made dinner, and the three of us have been entertaining ourselves on our laptops, when I decided I had a sweet tooth. I baked a cake (out of the box, but hey - it was better than sucking chocolate syrup from the bottle). Once the cake was ready to eat, we all paused our typing for a dessert break. Alex, being the sweet husband that he is, cleared the table and as he was doing so, I asked him to please cover the cake with the Press 'n Seal. First, he tried to cover the cake with the cling wrap - which never works exactly how one hopes... I told him the Press 'n Seal would be easier. Mom and I resumed our conversation and all of the sudden heard a crash. When I turned around, the cake was on the floor, and Alex had the Press 'n Seal box in one hand, and a small sheet of it in the other hand, and a PRICELESS look on his face!

Really it's for the best. Three pieces of cake from a package that probably cost $1.50 is value - PLUS, now I won't be sneaking into the kitchen for nibbles of cake every hour. :) So, really Alex sacrificed his enjoyment of "chocolate cake for breakfast day" for the sake of my waistline. Told you he was a good husband!

I played a video game with Alex tonight. He is always wanting me to, and to be honest - I am always hesitant because... well, frankly I suck at most video games. But tonight, we played Peggle - which I had never heard of, let alone played. It was really fun though to be competitive about something so low stakes, and to just be relaxing with my guy.

I can't decide if I feel like tomorrow actually is one of the "work" days I've been talking about having over spring break. Part of me says that I should work tomorrow and Friday, and then maybe I can have some time at the end of spring break to loaf about. Then the other part of me says LOAF NOW, WORK LATER.

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning to have my blood tested. They're looking for my hormone levels and my thyroid levels. I'm looking for a nurse with a good hand who can get in, get the blood, and get out without having to stick me more than once. :) My needs are few, but crucial.

Anyway, my thought is that I will put in 6-8 hour work days over break. That should HOPEFULLY give me a chance to catch up on my own classwork. I have 2 weeks after spring break to also catch up on my grading, since my students will be in the field - and therefore not in class. So, right now - my own work is paramount. It gets the #1 position on the list of things that I cannot ignore right now.

Okay, technically #2. Right behind SLEEP!!


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