Sunday, March 15, 2009

For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies


I reread parts of my last post, and I have to say, there was a bit of inaccuracy. I am a person who is blessed with so many WONDERFUL girlfriends. That has not always been the case. When I was a younger girl, I tended to stick with males for friends. I felt that girls were too much drama, and definitely not to be trusted. (Which, at that time in my life, surrounded by the girls with whom I was surrounded, that was an apt assumption)

But since I've been an adult, (Ugh... let's use that word SPARINGLY) I have had some of the most wonderful, faithful, hilarious, and amazing girlfriends. I think that they deserve some recognition - because really, they are incredible people for whom I am thankful every single day of my life.

Laura. There aren't enough wonderful things to be said about her! And although we didn't start out being super close, we have ended up that way. She and I had a bit of a rough start - not that we disliked one another - but it took us some time to realize just how much we had in common. Once she and I did that - and for the 10 years since, we have been such wonderfully close friends. Laura is one of those people who knows my past and loves me anyway. She knows all of the awful, poor judgment, stupid, mean, thoughtless things I've done - and not only does she still think I'm a good person - she laughs with me about it, and helps me realize that it's all in the past - and has nothing to do with who I am today.

Angel. Almost the opposite of Laura, we were fast friends. Immediately we were besties, and now - thanks to time and distance, we aren't as close I still love her so much, and I know that were we to get the chance to sit down for coffee, we'd pick right up where we last left off without missing a beat. (How do I know this? Because we've done it more than once!)

Donna. Technically my aunt, not my friend - but the line blurs here. Donna and I have always been close, and she's always been a person I could tell anything to. She is not judge-y, and she offers really great advice, or if nothing else commiseration. I know I can depend on her to always be there to listen, laugh, cry, or whatever I need. So while she may technically be my aunt, she is more importantly my dear friend.

Marmee. No - it's not cheating. Look, my Mom and I are ridiculous. We've never really been like mother & daughter - we've always been more like sisters - and the older I get, the closer we get to just being plain old friends. We make each other laugh - we lean on each other for support in tough times... After Alex, she is the first person I call to tell news in all forms - good or bad. She's just an incredible person, and I love her!

Okay - this is getting stupid. I wanted to give props to all my girls, but this post is bordering on - well, actually, it's well-past - dull.


What I meant to say was that I have been blessed in my life with a variety of wonderful girlfriends - all of whom make me a better person everyday.

And for them, I am so very thankful.

-g out

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