Thursday, March 19, 2009

Psycho killer, qu'est ce que c'est Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Yeah Run run run run run run run away

This is because I haven't posted all week, and I don't have an original thought in my pea-sized brain right now.

I got a book called "all about me" for my birthday this year - and here are the questions and my responses from a section of it called "ego".


Your three best qualities
1. caring
2. good cook
3. attention to detail

Your three worst qualities
1. self doubt
2. spend too much money
3. procrastinate

Of these three worst qualities, which one do you struggle with most frequently?

Which of these three have you tried to change?
all of them!

Three words that describe how others see you:
1. motherly
2. sweet (thoughtful)
3. hard-working

Three words you would use to describe your ideal self:
1. organized
2. peaceful
3. pulled-together

Three things for which you are often complimented:
1. cooking
2. decorating (although I don't think I particularly have a knack for it)
3. friendship

Which of these three is most meaningful to you:

A special compliment that made you blush:
I blush at all compliments

You are far better than most people you know at:

The animal that best describes you:

You are embarrassed when others:
are jerk-holes to another person in my presence

You are embarrassed when you:
put my foot in my mouth

Others are embarrassed when you:
see above! :)

The greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured:
oddly - when I had a puss-filled cyst on the side of my nail bed on my ring finger, and the doctor had to lance it.

The greatest amount of emotional pain you have ever endured:
oh, man... I can't answer this - because I can't choose.

Your proudest moment:
my wedding day

Someone who shared this moment with you:
everyone I love! :)

The moment you are most ashamed of:
New Orleans, New years eve, 2000.

Someone who shared this moment with you:
Laura, Phill, Amy

When discussing your career with others you tend to:
[ ] exaggerate [x] understate [ ] be factual

When discussing your life with others, you tend to:
[ ] exaggerate [ ] understate [x] be factual

When telling stories or relaying the details of your day, you tend to:
[x] exaggerate [ ] understate [ ] be factual

If you didn't have commitments to others, you would:
be sad

The number of drinks that constitutes your limit:

Your best physical feature:
my eyes

You have considered plastic surgery:
[x] yes [ ] no

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