Friday, March 13, 2009

Dressed up to the eyes It's a wonderful surprise To see your shoes and your spirits rise

Laundry day. I'm also planning to clean the house a bit. I had some pretty lofty goals of running errands, doing some schoolwork, as well as the laundry and house work. But it is cold & gray outside, and I'm feeling like it needs to be an inside day. Plus - I don't have many warm clothes these days aside from sweats. (And really, I'm probably too old to be scampering about town in my sweatpants, right?)

I felt really bad for Alex last night. He couldn't sleep. Sometimes, despite his sleep medicine, he just can't get there some nights. Meanwhile, I'm in there sleeping like a pro. That has to be so frustrating for him. I know he was up well past 4am, because I woke up at that point for about 40 seconds. (time enough to look at the clock, wrap the covers back around myself and snuggle back down into my pillow)

Yesterday was a rough and emotional day for both of us. Hopefully today will be better - and he will be able to get some good sleep tonight.

We are gearing up for the kakes & dave wedding extravaganza!!! We're both super excited for our dear friends. I know it's going to be a perfect day - exactly what kakes wants it to be... and I couldn't be happier for her. I know what it feels like to be so up in the air for so long, and to finally be hearing and doing the things you've waited so long for is so satisfying and validating. :) It's just good stuff!

Okay, kids... I think my laundry is dry - so it's off to the showers with me. Then, who knows?? Errands? Homework? TV? All is possible.


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