Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I see a mansford roof through the trees

Well, well, well.


The doctors said if I didn't get my protein early on - I could wind up with pneumonia. Did I believe them? Nah.

But now, here I am.

I didn't go to class last night. Largely because I didn't want to - but also because my professor is older - and I shouldn't expose people to this if at all possible. I'm not sure if I'm going to both of my classes tonight or not. I do have to go to my 7pm class. It's not one I have the luxury of missing.

I also have to teach in the morning. My Wednesday class is SO far behind - and I can't put them any further back.

So - what did I do with my evening off sick?

Laundry. TV - although I got pissed because we were DVR-ing shows last night, so I couldn't watch TV in the living room & had to settle for the office and the uncomfy couch instead. SO not as good as my super huge comfy chair & blanket set up I have out here.

It's strange - I know most people probably do this, and just don't talk about it - but whenever I am faced with a new situation, I play out the scenarios in my mind. For example - when I learned yesterday that I have pneumonia, my mind became a factory of "what if" scenarios. In one, I was hospitalized and had to medically withdraw from school... it was SUPER melodramatic. There was the whole IV, and heart monitor beeping in the background. And - the masochist in me almost roots for that kind of scenario. I've never understood why. But whenever I am sick, I almost cheer the illness on. Maybe it's an attention thing, like - if I'm sick, I know I get attention - and so I want to be sicker, longer... But I can honestly say that the very small, but present "rational" part of my brain is screaming "ARE YOU EFFIN' KIDDING ME WITH THIS?!? YOU ARE MISERABLE NOW, AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANY SICKER FOR ANY LONGER!" and then I return to reality pretty quickly after that.

See - you never had any idea about how truly weird I am.

I'm really just hoping that after I start the antibiotics - I feel quickly better so I can still go to LA this weekend. I would hate to miss out on that trip. (Mostly because it was the bargain of the century... I mean, $234 round trip including tax???)

Perhaps a nap will help toward that end.

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