Sunday, June 18, 2006

In an era of male dominance, violence and conflict, she becomes known as "River Queen", generously helping others. Including some who want to kill her

Good Sunday evening, readers!

I hope everyone had a nice Father's Day. Mine was celebrated last night with my Dad. He invited me to go to his church with him for a special Father's Day service. So - today was a lazy day. I tried out a new recipe (parmesan crusted chicken cutlets) out of a Real Simple magazine. It was super yummy and way easy!

Now - Alex is off in his office, and I am here at my laptop. I've been working on getting my home office out of chaotic state in which it's been living... But it's turned out to be bigger than a one-afternoon project. I've got a couple of bookshelves to put in there that will hopefully help. SO MUCH JUNK! And to think - I got rid of a bunch of junk before we moved here!

Alex and I had a movie weekend. On Friday - we went to see Nacho Libre. It was ok. Not the best Jack Black movie - but entertaining. Then, yesterday - we saw District B13. If you have a theatre that shows independent films - go as soon as possible to see this movie. It had some great action in it - and an interesting plot. *warning* the movie is in French with English subtitles. But it is way worth it. You get to see really neat examples of "parkour" which is the art of constant motion. Think Matrix but real.

The summer is starting to speed by too quickly. Before I know it - July will be here and gone.

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