Thursday, June 22, 2006

Don't mention it

Hi guys.

Just a hot and muggy Thursday here in la la land. My brain is slowly oozing out of my ears. I have nothing to occupy it with. I am short 150 kids, and my sanity.

Did I tell you that this year is my ten year high school reunion? Yep. And for those of you who haven't yet experienced this rite of passage - let me give you a heads up... You have to pay to attend. Now, I'm not an idiot... Really. I figured, you know, $35 bucks tops. I didn't guess it would be... $150 for the weekend. That's right. One hundred and fifty dollars. Are they insane!?!?!?!

In other news, I'm so bored I considered cleaning my neighbors' (whom I've never met) houses for free. >somebody save me<

I find it interesting that just as being really busy is a non-motivator to be productive, so is being really not busy. I was such a vegged out slug yesterday, that I actually felt like I was getting sick. I wasn't, of course, but I really thought I must be. I even took my temperature.

It's about to rain here, and the biggest most exciting part of my day (going to the grocery store) is about to get rained out. Guess I should go clean a bathroom, or finish unpacking my office.

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