Monday, June 12, 2006

Elvis sightings

I am sitting at my table with a yummy fresh cup of coffee ready to take on the world this morning. I don't have class until 430, and I've already finished my novel for this week. Actually - it was pretty good.

In store for me this week, aside from class, I'll be seeing The Lion King! I'm really excited about that! Otherwise, not a whole lot going on.

Special shout out to my cousins Michael and Cathy, whose birthdays are today and tomorrow respectively. :) Have a good one, guys!

Funny. One part of me is wishing away summer and its heat. Another part of me wants it to last forever! The staying up late playing Nintendo with Alex, the sleeping in til whenever. I just need to add in some sugary cereal, cartoons, and summer camp - and it's just like being a kid again! :) (you know, minus the grad school)

My time is much more free now that I'm not working on a thesis. Although I'll be 57 years old by the time I get my masters... But oh well. At least I'll get the one I actually need. The thought briefly crossed my mind to go ahead and get the MS degree, and THEN get the MA. It would probably take the same amount of time. But who needs to go through the thesis writing process twice, I ask you?

Marmee and I had a girls' day yesterday. We got pedicures (mine was courtesy of my Aunt Donna!) and then we saw "The Break-up". It was fun to just hang out and be girls. The movie was different from what I was expecting... But good nonetheless. All though since it was set in Chicago, it really made me crave a good visit to the windy city. It has been nearly 2 years since my last visit. I'd really love to stay downtown in a fancy hotel for at least a couple nights. And then, of course - stay with my family.

All right - I'm out...

You came back to haunt me and I realised That you were an island, and I passed you by

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