Sunday, January 29, 2006

Yuck, But help is on the way!!!!!!

I've never had a job make me appreciate the weekend SO MUCH! Not to say I don't love the work, because I REALLY do. But by Thursday - I'm EXHAUSTED and SO ready for the weekend. This weekend, however, I was a little under the weather. I just felt awful. I had a headache all day Saturday that bordered on a migraine. Ugh - it was such a bummer! I'd like to enjoy staying in bed all day (should that be my chosen activity). But yesterday, I was in bed because I felt like crap.

Today I feel better. Infact - my first order of business today was to clean the kitchen. And I did it before I had even enjoyed my first cup of coffee!! Now, I'm on the sofa watching cooking shows and contemplating grading papers. It needs to be done. But much like the times when I have finals to study for, I'm noticing that the apartment could use a good once (or twice) over. I'm such a procrastinator. :) Good to know some things never change.

Can I tell you, I am SO excited!! We are about to enter the "corridor of presents" as Alex calls it. It all starts Feb 7th - our 3 year anniversary; then Feb 14th Valentine's day; and finally Feb 17th MY birthday. Hee hee hee 3 days within a 2 week period where I get presents! I have to admit, this is almost more exciting to me than Christmastime. Almost. Christmas does carry with it a certain magic that can't be replaced. But magic aside - I LOVE THIS MONTH!

And for those of you who have known me since the good ol' college days - you know this was not always the case. I used to hate my birthday and Valentine's day. But that was because I was a miserable person back then. Now - I'm a happy person who's just tired all the time. :) But I LOVE LOVE LOVE my birthday and Valentines day!!

Alright - I can't take it any more... Mission: Clean the apartment!!!!

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