Saturday, January 07, 2006

Quack Quack goes the duck.

Nice lazy Saturday. I'm so tempted to stay in my jammies and veg out in front of the TV all day long!! The cheesier the movie the better - thank god for TBS!!! Of course I'm looking around and realizing that I need to clean this apartment. But for now, I'm procrastinating and writing this FOR YOU! :)

I actually went to the school to observe some last week. It was great to meet the students and faculty ahead of my first day, when I know I'll be stressed and crazy. The retiring teacher I'm replacing is leaving me all sorts of supplies and materials. I am so greatful to her!! I'm convinced that I will have some challenging students - but I think I have some great ideas on how to reach them.

I'm really nervous. I'm afraid I am going to smile too much and be too nice - and then the kids will try to push me - or take advantage. Alex is nervous because 90% of the kids are bigger than I am. I told him that really doesn't matter. A 3' tall 50 pound kid could walk in with a weapon - and then he's automatically bigger than I am. But I feel safe in this school. They seem to have a good handle on security.

Okay - MOTIVATE!!! To the shower I go!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Go get that shower! show it who's boss!!

a said...

Uh... Thanks.