Monday, January 02, 2006

3:30am & WIDE awake.

Don't know why in any sane reality I'd be awake at 3am, but here I am. For some strange reason, Alex and I both shot out of bed wide awake at about 245, and neither of us could get back to sleep.

My mind is racing. (Although it was my bladder that initially woke me) :) I am thinking of all of the things I need & want to do for my job. So - I figured if I can get it all down somewhere, MAYBE my mind will let me sleep... I want to call all of the parents and introduce myself - as well as send home a note with each child giving the parents my contact information. (and I want to have a little space where the parents can sign it - so I know they are aware of me being the teacher now) I want to make sure I take snacky things with me to keep on my desk like nuts, etc... That way I won't be tempted by the evil vending machines. Do I have a locked cabinet or drawer somewhere in my room for my purse? When the service center calls me to officially hire me and give me the paper work to fill out - I need to make sure and ask when my first paycheck will be. (I'm a little afraid it won't be until Feb. 20th as this school district only pays once a month)

Also on my mind for my personal life this year - I want to take up Yoga. I'll probably have to wait until summer to have the spare finances and time to do it. But it's definately something I'm interested in learning. My cousin Nick took up some sort of Tai Chi - or some other sort of Chi - I'm not sure, but it's been life-altering for him, and I hear all of those sort of energy-connected exercises are that way. My 10-year high school reunion should be this summer, although I have not heard one word from any "reunion committee" ever. It would totally not surprise me if my slacker Gen X class decided just not to have one. But if there is one - count me in. My cousin Brian is graduating from law school this May, and a good part of my family will be in town for that. Then, I'm going to attempt to throw a HUGE bash for Marmee's 50th birthday (I'm thinking the party will be Aug 12th). If you live within driving distance and love Marmee as does all mankind, reserve that weekend and plan to be here celebrating with us!! (The party itself is not going to be a surprise party - but I am trying to keep the details from her - cause it'll be more exciting that way) We keep trying to get our apartment more organized and less cluttered. It's crazy how small 850 square feet can become. I don't even have all of my things here - there just wouldn't be room!! I hope that in this new year - we can find a system to help us organize better. Always, always, always - I want to take more pictures!! I never take enough.

I didn't really do resolutions this year. I think they're a set-up for failure. There are things that are in the back of my mind like those I've written here that I want to be aware of and attempt, or complete in the near future. But not "resolutions".

UGH!!! I'm still just awake as can be! Maybe a game of bookworm will drain my brain of it's vim!!

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