Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hi diddle dee dee! The teacher's life for me...

Ten points to the first person who can tell me what movie that references...

Hee hee hee... Check me out - giving out extra credit outside of the classroom. :)

I'm now 100% convinced that I was born to be a teacher. I was really scared at first - afraid that the kids wouldn't respond well to me. But they have. I received feedback today from my team leader, infact, that she has heard nothing but positive comments from the kids about me. It's funny - but I get this strange swell of pride when the class is quietly working. Indescribable!

My schedule couldn't be better! I have 2 plan periods, one first hour, and one seventh. (There are only 7 hours in a day) I don't have to be there until 820am, and can leave by 4. Truth be told - I've been getting there around 8, and leaving around 445... But I have a lot to do in the way of organization and planning. I experience exhaustion like I haven't known in years by the time I get home each day. As I said to one of my fellow teachers - I've never before been so concerned with my feet and their comfort. Suffice it to say - fashion in the shoe department is no longer necessary... GIVE ME COMFORT! New shoes are on my list of things to obtain this weekend. 'Cause man-oh-man my dogs are barkin!!!!

I've really lucked out with my teaching environment. I am surrounded by an extremely supportive staff, and I do not feel like an outsider or a stranger in the halls. That is a feeling that would take weeks to gain in any other job I've had. (Even at Cendant - and I had a lot of friends who worked there)

How is it only 715?? It feels like it's about midnight. So - to sum up - I'm exhausted, but happy. I have found my niche in this world.... I was meant to be in front of a classroom.

So it is.

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