Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What did the zen master say to the hot dog vendor?

I just read Ellison's short story, "Repent, Harlequin" said the Ticktockman. It's cute. I was hoping I could use it for my 8th graders - but, it is WAY too difficult. Too many big words. Does anyone have any other short stories they can suggest??

I'd like to find things I can give them that aren't novels. Things we can do in between novels. I'm planning a 1 - 2 week unit on figurative language using music lyrics as a focal point. Things are moving along nicely.

At home, things are just normal. I get home from work around 5 - and by 9, I'm tired enough to start thinking about bed. Alex likes to say that I go to bed when Wheel of Fortune ends. It's not quite that early - but it's close.

I haven't heard from most of you in a long while - remember, you don't have to have a blogger account to post - you can just post as annonymous. :)


AllerHeather said...

Hey, what's crackin'? Things are fine here - I'm trying to look for a new apartment and it's a major pain in the ass here. Jobs: Good. Housing: Not so good. Other than that, things are going very well. I've been feeling lousy lately and haven't been in the mood to write, but seem to be better so I should post soon on my blog. In the meantime, we've started a new one... anonymously... did I tell you about it?

a said...

No - I didn't know you had a new blog! I'd love to read it!!!

How come you're already having to look for a new apartment?

AllerHeather said...

Not having to look, but we were wanting to look for a bigger place... it's a fickle process right now.

BTW, I voted for your friends. :)