Friday, September 09, 2005

What?? Did I depress you?

I'm judging by the collective silence out there that either A - you've all stopped reading, because my life is only interesting to me... or B - I depressed the hell out of each and every one of you with my mopey babble the other day. I - for the purposes of my self esteem - am going to assume it is the later of the two.

I'm feeling better today. I came to the realization that I'm merely PMS-ing... I'll be fine in 5-7 days. (We hope) Side note - I find it interesting, and ladies - help me out if you feel me on this one - that every month I have my womanly cycle - and every month, I wonder why I'm cranky and bloated, and crying. I wonder this from its onset, until about 12 hours later when I FINALLY realize that it's just good old PMS... How is it that something I've gone through every month for the last 15 years still catches me off guard???

Your next question might be, "Amber - why are you updating your blog in lieu of doing your homework?" My answer is simple - I tried to do my homework tonight, but the reading that I have to do, which is on reserve in the library, was checked out. Therefore - I'll have to get it tomorrow or Saturday. Which really isn't great for me, because thus far I've been able to get homework done before the weekend even hit. Or at least the bulk of it.

So - I'm here. Hanging out. Missing Alex. But in one piece. :)

Up for the weekend... I'm making a trip to Bethany, OK to attend a wedding. My Aunt's brother in law is getting married. I'm not terribly close with the bride or groom... But, my Aunt's in laws have always been very hospitable to me, and as I was invited - I decided I should go. (Also - I'll get to see my Aunt & Uncle, cousin Emmanuel, and cousin Nick. And I'm really looking forward to hearing how Nick is doing in his first semester at NCSA)

That's all for now. I'm going to get ready for bed, and try to call Canada.

If you're out there reading - let me know. :) I haven't heard from any one in a long time.

1 comment:

AllerHeather said...

Hey... you didn't depress me. I've just been out of town and not checking this stuff so much. Can't speak for the others, though. :)