Sunday, September 11, 2005

Comics & Slippers

Good Sunday, readers.

Thanks to an email I received from Tiffany - I know that at least one person is reading in silence. But I think that there are more of you out there. So I'll keep posting. :)

Yesterday was busy but nice. I went to my Aunt's brother-in-law's wedding in Bethany. It was in one of the biggest churches I've ever seen!! I was worried at first that they had invited 1,000 people judging by the size of it. But they hadn't. It was tasteful and elegant. And - as is the case with all weddings I attend, I found several little things that I want to rip off and add to my own wedding. :) One note about the bride - she was so beautiful! And not just because it was her wedding day, because 99.9% of women are breathtaking on their wedding day... They had a video presentation which showed pictures of the bride and groom growing up - in every picture, she was so beautiful. It was so refreshing to me, because I am going to guess she's a size 18/20 but she was not self-conscious... She was confident and new that she was a beautiful girl. Mega props to you, bride from the wedding yesterday. You rock!!

After the wedding I grabbed a quick but nice dinner with Angie, Chad and Scott, and then I headed home. It was sucky to have to drive 4 hours in a day, but worth it to see my friends and Donna, Tito, Emmanuel and Nick. (Who is LOVING his school!!) :)

I've been thinking over the past couple of days about trying to find a teaching job for the Spring semester. I won't be able to take as many hours in grad school, and that's a downside... But I would be gaining experience in front of a classroom, and I think that would help me out a lot. Working at Check 'n Go is not motivating, and it drains my very soul every time I go. But if I were teaching... Doing what I love... I'm thinking that I would be a much happier me. :)

So - I'll only take maybe 3 hours in the spring... But I can still take 9 over the course of the summer... That would put me at 21 hours. I could take 6 in the fall... 27 Then I'd only need... roughly 5 more hours to be finished. I could probably finish spring '07. And then I'd not only have earned a Master's degree - but I'd have a year and a half experience in front of a classroom. I'm thinking that is the thing I need to do. But I've been all mind change-y recently... So this is all subject to complete overhaul.

Today is errand day. I need to get an oil change. (Because my car is high maintenance, and literally beeps at me until I give it gas, or an oil change) Then I have to go to campus to the library for 20 or so mins. Then, I have to clean the house. Nothing fancy... Just things that need to be done.

I wish you a relaxing Sunday!

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