Monday, December 26, 2005

Auld Lang Syne

Almost 2006. The minutes are ticking away, and the close of another year is at hand. I'd like to think that as I leave 2005 behind, and take my steps into my 28th year of life that I'm a little wiser, a little funnier, and no worse for the ware. :)

This year in brief review for me has been a mixture of good and bad, progressive and static, and all in all well spent. I started off the year by begining my serious treck towards becoming a certified teacher. I took 15 hours of education classes; began plugging away at 3 of the 4 required state exams for the licensure; and Alex and I moved in together. By summer, I watched as my best friend got married; applied to and enrolled in my first semester of graduate school. Fall and winter brought me to 9 hours of graduate school; completion of my teaching certification; earning a job as a teacher (yay!); watching with pride as my Mom became a CEO; and the realization that I really can accomplish goals I set for myself, if I just commit to seeing them through.

Now, I am preparing myself for both my immediate future, and my distant future too. I am looking forward to being with Alex, teaching, continuing working on my Masters degree, helping Mom in any way I can with her new clinic, and maybe even making a few new friends. I've decided to start attending All Souls Unitarian church this year. And I hope to further my skills in knitting.

I'm inspired by this trend of blogging. I feel like it's a great way to keep in touch. I frequent all of my friends' blogs (at least the ones I know exist), and I love the idea that you are able to keep up with me when it is convenient for you. :)

Here's to a new year full of opportunity, health, wealth, and love!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld acquantaince be forgot and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne my dear. For auld lang syne. We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

This JUST in!!!

Grades for Fall 2005 semester are in...

Drumroll, please...............................................

4.0 HOORAY!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Much ado about job offers.

Greetings fair reader! Good to see you again. I hope that you have completed (or almost completed) your holiday shopping, and that you are able to enjoy at least a few relaxing days with your loved ones this coming week. I have completed my shopping. I think that all on my list will be happy with their tokens. I'm really ahead of schedule actually, because I've even finished wrapping all the presents & stocking stuffers. That's right - you're jealous. :)

So today was easily one of the crazier days in the history of me. As you know from your close following of my every move - I've been applying and interviewing for teaching jobs. I had my heart set on one job, but the principal never called me back. It's now well into the 3rd week since I last spoke with her. It's sad. And I was mighty disappointed. But - as Alex pointed out, it was a win-win situation, because either I got that job, or I took another full time semester of grad school. Either way - I'd be working toward my goal still. So I had resigned to the idea of another 9 hours of grad school when on Thursday of last week, I got a call from the Asst. Principal at Edison Middle School. I had already interviewed with her once - before Thanksgiving - but hadn't heard from her since, so I figured she went with someone else for the position. Turns out, she wanted me to interview with the principal. We scheduled it for 1030 this morning. I was pretty sure I wouldn't take this job, but I thought the interview would be good practice. Meanwhile, as I was getting ready for the interview this morning, my phone rang. It was the principal of the high school where I had interviewed in mid-November. She called to offer me the position. Teaching 12th grade on-level English. I told her that I was on my way to another interview, and asked if I could have some time to think about the offer. I went to my interview, and the principal (my old high school principal) offered me the job right away. Overwhelmed by this point, I asked him for some time to think about it. I told him that I had another offer on the table. He said he understood, but explained that he really needed an answer either way before the end of the day today. The asst. principal then gave me a whirlwind tour of the school - introducing me to teachers, letting me observe kids - it was so much information in a relatively small amount of time.

I walked out to my car with my head stuffed full of information. I called Marmee to get her opinion, and started driving. *Beep* Call waiting. Mom goes on hold, and on the other end of the line - the lady from TCC (Tulsa Community College) she has a class that needs a teacher - Comp 2. I asked if I could call her back, and told her that she was officially my THIRD job offer for the day.

I couldn't believe that I had THREE JOB OFFERS on the table. All of them great and interesting. What's more - I had no time to think about it. I had to make my decision today. Before 2pm.

Needless to say, I was flustered.

After much discussion and debate, and after getting the opinions of both Alex and Mom... I decided.

I took the job with Edison middle school teaching 8th grade reading.

I am nervous but excited.

More to come!!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

The semester is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay everyone - on three, take one BIG deep cleansing breath!!! WHEW! The semester is over!!! As of 9pm last night, I officially finished my first semester of grad school!! WOO HOO!!!!! And, you won't believe this - but I really think I got all A's!! Although we shall see if my Lit Theory final was as succesful as I think it was.

On the job front - I still haven't heard anything from Nimitz. I called them again yesterday, but they must be crazy busy with holiday plays and grades or whatever it is that needs to be done.

I do have a 2nd interview at Edison middle this coming Monday.

Either way - I've enrolled in 9 hours for the spring, and I can always just do another full time semester.

Cool website alert: they will take a culmination of all your favorite music, and introduce you to other music that you would probably like. It was cool - you should check it out.

Tis all for now. I have tendonitis in my right thumb, and it's really impossible to type.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The word is - there is no word.

I had a great time observing at Nimitz. The staff is super friendly, and the kids are spirited, but loveable. I observed both Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Then, Friday - I went in to meet with the principal. I went in thinking she would be offering me the position. But she didn't. The truth is - my meeting with her was short and uneventful. As we left things - I am to call her this Wednesday. I don't know whether she has found somebody else she wants to interview - or perhaps there is a tenured teacher who is interested in transferring to the school - or maybe after observing me while I observed, she decided that I am not a good candidate for the job. I don't know. But I am not discouraged. I was, but I've decided that there isn't a reason to be so. If I get the job, I'll take it - and start teaching. Win. If I don't get the job, I'll stay in school full time and knock out another 9 hours. Win.

Either way, I'll still be progressing toward the ultimate goal of being a teacher, and getting my Masters & then my PhD.

The weekend was quick but nice. Friday was uneventful. Saturday, we went to help Marmee paint her new clinic. Yesterday, I went to Marmee's and baked cookies and made chicken & noodles for dinner, which was fun.

Today - I've been hitting the books. I have completely finished my Educational Research class. The only thing left to do is turn in my research paper & take home exam. I have almost finished my college teaching class. I have 2 small papers to write for it, and one small powerpoint to create. Then - for my Lit Theory class, I still have to prepare for the comprehensive final - which is going to be a list of 18 quotes which I will have to identify and discuss. This would be great if it were quotes from stories - but it will be quotes from obscure essays that we have read for the class by obscure theorists. YUCK!! I also have my critical paper to write. I'm going to be working on Lit Theory this evening.

Tomorrow - I am heading to OKC to appear before the Teacher Competency Review Board. The rumor is that once I finish this final step - my certification will be complete, and I am licensed and ready to teach. :)

I'll keep you updated about the job or not the job. ;)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

So, tomorrow - I shall become The Shadow

The interviews at both Edison middle and Nimitz went well yesterday. When I got home from the Nimitz interview - the principal called me and asked if I'd be willing to come to the school and shadow the other reading teachers for a couple of days. Of course I said yes, so I will be shadowing tomorrow and Thursday. Although - Thursday might suck a little, cause I sure will have to be in class until 10pm Wednesday night. But I think I'll live. And hopefully, I'll be living while holding a job.

Tired the next couple of days.... But ALMOST done with the fall semester. HOORAY!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

And, I'm learning to knit!

We had a nice Thanksgiving. Wednesday - I went to Marmee's and baked pies from 4pm until almost 1am non-stop. I had some new recipes this year for the crusts and the pies. They were MUCH more high-maintenance than any I've made before - but they were also way more YUM-O! Except for the pecan pie which promptly exploded upon being placed in the oven. That sucked. Thursday, I was up and at Mom's by 10am to watch the parade and start cooking. We had our traditional fare this year for dinner - Roasted Turkey, Grandmother Hatcher's stuffing (which is SO yummy), Green Bean Casserole (which is much yummier now that I'm older), Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Mashed Sweet Potatoes (or, Yams - we weren't really sure which we bought - is there a difference?), Hawaiian Bread Rolls, and of course Cranberries. Then for desert - it was Pecan, Pumpkin, and Apple Pie with vanilla ice cream OR brandied whipped cream.

After dinner we played some games and then Phill dropped by to see me for a couple of hours. It was So great to get to chat with him and he taught me how to knit. Well - he taught me the basics - although I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to cast on now that I'm away from his help.

Friday, we put up our tree. It's so pretty! It's a 7.5' pre-lit, and I love it! We haven't put ornaments on it yet - because I forgot to buy ornament hooks. But we'll probably do that tomorrow.

So - that brings us to today. I am watching the 100th Bedlam match-up between Oklahoma State and my beloved Sooners. And I just saw Phill on TV!! Hee hee. I remember when we used to go to every home game together. I'm sad I can't be there now. :(

I'd like to just take some time to reflect on those things for which I am thankful. First and foremost - I am thankful for my Mother and my family. Marmee has really given me the type of foundation that will provide me with even footing for the rest of my life. And she is one of my very best friends in this whole world. My family - although they can at times drive me crazy, has shaped my sense of humor, my sense of love, and my sense of home. Though we may not always see eye to eye, and fights occur more often than we wish they would - I know they love me, and I love them more than my meager words can express. My friends - I've done an excellent job alienating most of my friends this year. I've been out of touch - and unresponsive. My actions towards them have been abhorrent. And yet - my friends are always there for me with arms outstretched, ready to forgive my numerous offenses. I am so thankful that my friends are so understanding, and loving that they would tolerate my obnoxiousness. There are a plethora of other things for which I am thankful - but I'll close now with this... I am thankful for Alex. He has been my cheerleader, my friend, my advisor,my heart, and my home for 3 years now. Without him, I would not have earned my bachelor's degree, and I would not be on the verge of becoming a teacher. I would still have terrible credit, and I would feel like love is a myth that looms large above our society - but does not actually exist. Thank you, Alex - my life is what it is now because of YOU!

I hope you have much for which to be thankful this year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Interviews a-go-go

So I've been interviewed and interviewed. I'm thinking a teaching job is mine for the taking in January - if I want to take it. I have a 2nd interview with Nimitz middle school on Monday, and a 1st interview with Edison middle school the same day. Meanwhile, on Monday as well - I am supposed to call Central high school and let them know whether I'm interested in working for them.

I really expected finding a teaching job to be much more difficult than it seems to be. Maybe it's just easy to get the interviews. Maybe getting the jobs is a bit harder. Although I have to confess that I was sure I'd have to teach French somewhere because no English jobs would be available. And not one of my interviews have been for French. All English. Thank goodness. :)

Alex & I have been cleaning our apartment the past couple of days. I am ashamed of how dirty we let it become. Hopefully we'll have it looking all nice for this weekend when we put up our Christmas tree! We got a 7 foot tall pre-lit tree with all white lights. I'm excited! I LOVE Christmas and decorating.

The semester is wrapping up. I'm glad. It was hard. I still have my HUGE paper to write for my Lit Theory class & we have a big scary comprehensive final in that class, too - so it's not over yet. But it's getting there. I have finished my 5 chapter research paper that I had to write along with the 100 question take home final for my Educational Research class. Then, for my college teaching class, I need to write 2 brief papers & create a powerpoint for a presentation, then I'm done for that one. So - really, I just have to focus on the Lit Theory for a couple more weeks - then I can relax my brain until next term. (Which, with teaching, might turn out to be REALLY SCARY!!!)

Thanksgiving day after tomorrow - I'm going to Marmee's and spending the day there. We are going to eat around 5pm, which is later than usual for us - but we are accomodating Alex's schedule, since he has to go to dinner with his family around noon. (To which I was invited - but part of the fun of Thanksgiving for me is spending the entire day in the kitchen cooking, and Alex was so sweet to be understanding)

Hope your all your turkey dreams come true!

Monday, November 21, 2005

...and for cryin' out loud - drop me a line occasionally!!!

I got a great book this weekend! Teaching Outside the Box - How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains by LouAnne Johnson. You have heard of her before - she wrote the book upon which they based the movie Dangerous Minds. If you're a teacher - or wanting to become one, I whole-heartedly recommend this book!

I'm reading it, because I just might be teaching high school in a month or two. I've been interviewing like mad, sending out resumes, etc... Friday, I interviewed with Tulsa Central High School. If hired there - I'd be teaching on level 12th grade English. For those of you who aren't familiar with Tulsa schools - I'll tell you that Central is in North Tulsa in a poorer neighborhood. It would not be an easy job by any stretch of the imagination. It would certainly be a challenge. Tomorrow - (Monday) I have another interview. Nimitz middle school - 7th & 8th grade English. We shall see what they have to offer. It is comforting that I'm getting so many interviews - I was really concerned that it would be rediculously difficult to even get one interview.

Also on Friday, I took the Miller Analogies Test. Let me just tell you what a bonehead I am... I had to drive to Tahlequah to take the test - it's about an hour away from Tulsa. My materials all stated that I was to report to the test site no fewer than 15 minutes prior to the 3pm test time. I rolled up in there at 3:15. Luckily, they let me take the exam. Thankfully - they hadn't yet begun. I think I did fairly well on the exam. We shall see.

Friday night, we (Alex, Mom, Shannon, and I) went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I really liked it. Although, I regret not having read the books. I tried to read them after I had seen the 3rd movie - but they follow the movies so closely that I got bored.

Saturday, Alex and I shopped for Christmas ornaments and went out to dinner. Today, Mom and I went shopping. There is this store in Tulsa called Direct Sales which sells business casual clothing from Dillards and other upscale department stores for rediculously low prices. Imagine $17.75 per clothing item. I got some great new stuff. over $300 worth of close for only $100. Can't argue with a deal like that. We did our grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, and then I came back home to read more of my book.

Nothing terribly exciting.

Alex bought us Coldplay tickets for their Oklahoma City concert in February. I'm looking forward to that. Especially since Fiona Apple is their opening act. :)

I suppose there has been enough babble for today.

It's been awfully quiet out there, readers.... So I fixed the comments section of this blog site so you do not have to use a user name & password. Post to your heart's content!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Guess what!?!?!?!?!

No, no. Not that - but ALMOST as exciting... Marmee got the C.E.O. position!!! HOORAY!!!!! Our very own Marmee is the new CEO of Community Health Connections. (Or at least I think that's the name of the place) Now - before you all get excited and start emailing me (or her) that your best-friends uncle's wife's brother's friend's cousin's girlfriend knows a guy who has this friend who needs a job - she's not at that point yet. Of being able to hire people. I only say that because that seems to be everyone's reaction to her news. :) Not that I can blame anyone. :)

So - being the sweetheart that I am - I threw a surprise cocktail party for her on Friday night. Just 10 people very low key, but she was surprised and it was a good time. Good enough that we went through 3 bottles of champaign!! WOOO HOOO!

She is going today (actually in about 20 mins) in front of the board to negotiate salary & benefits, etc... i'm doubting that there will be any deal-breakers or show-stoppers there.

Congrats go out again to Marmee! I couldn't be prouder!!!

In other news - it was a very nice and very relaxing weekend! Other than Friday being a little crazy... I attended a teacher fair at NSU, and got 2 interviews out of the deal. One at Shawnee Public Schools (which is near Norman, OK 2 hours away - I won't be taking that one) and one at Tulsa Public Schools. Now, I would really rather not teach at Tulsa Public Schools because I don't want to have to wear a bullet-proof vest to work... But I'll take the job, if they offer me one. Cause that's just how I roll.

Following the cocktail party Friday night, Saturday was one of the most relaxing day I've had in weeks!! I got up, took a shower, changed into a clean pair of jammies, and proceeded to not leave the house the WHOLE day! It was yummy. Yesterday was nice eventhough we had to help Alex's Mom move the last few boxes from her storage unit to her new house. It wasn't much stuff - nothing was heavy, and it only took an hour or so out of the day. Then we went to Marmee's and had a nice roast for dinner, then home.

It was almost a perfect weekend. I don't really know what would have made it more perfect.

This is the last week of classes before Thanksgiving. I'm excited to have a whole week off coming up. Time to work on Christmas cards. Yay!

If you're travelling for your turkey this year - I hope you have safe travel. I am sure that I will post at least a couple of times between now and then - but just incase!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You're my best friend, and I love you!

Phill called me today. You guys remember what Ber & Phill used to mean?? We were a force to be reckoned with. No one had a closer friendship than Phill and I had. We were inseperable. We were the idyllic best friends. You will all be happy to know that although we live 9 hours away from one another, we are still a force to be reckoned with. Kudos to Phill for never losing faith in our friendship. I have to admit that I had lost some. When he joined the married club, I was pretty sure he was going where I could not follow. And I was sad that when he moved away, he would become absorbed in his life, and wouldn't need me anymore. Scarier still was the fact that I wasn't all depress-y Jane over the idea. I used to fall to pieces if Phill didn't call me one day. I knew we were both starting to grow up, and I thought that automatically meant growing apart. But it doesn't.

We're different now. But as he said today, "as soon as I hear your voice, everything's okay again." I feel the same way.

So - props go out to freshman & sophomore years of college. Gellie, 'Stina, Laura, Schuster, Amy, Lauren, Allison, Nate, Steve, Drew, Papa & the boys, those jerk-off SAE's, The Mont, The C-Store, Block & Barrell, Couch caff, Dale Hall, the duck pond, Sarah McLachlin, and all the incense in Norman. And to Phill. Those were the best times. Of my life. And although Phill and I both wish we could go back - even for a couple of hours, we know we never can.

Growing up sucks. And at the same time is wonderful.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It's 1145pm, and Texas still sucks!

Alex and I visited Dallas this past weekend. He had a comic-book convention to attend, and I thought I'd seize the opportunity to not only get out of town for a couple of days, but to see my friend Angel who I hadn't seen in WAY too long.

The trip was fun overall. When we arrived Thursday night, we checked into the hotel, then met Sterling (Alex's brother) and some friends for a late dinner. Friday, I stayed in the hotel room and did homework while the guys were at the convention, then we all piled into two cars, and went to Dave & Buster's. If you have a Dave & Buster's near your home, I highly suggest you go. It's an adult arcade basically. You can play skee-ball whilst enjoying your favorite alcoholic beverage. Plus - they have AWESOME food. We had an excellent time. With the tickets we won playing a highly addictive trivia game, we purchased some coffee mugs, beer mugs, and playing cards. Don't get me wrong - they had the stuffed animals, bouncy balls, and other things one would expect to find at a "redeem your tickets here" counter, but Alex and I were both excited that we can actually use the things we bought with our tickets. :)

Saturday I got to see Angel. She looked so wonderful, and it was great to be able to sit and talk with her. We reminisced about college, and all of our goofy stories. There was a bittersweet-ness to seeing her, though. It made me really miss those days when there were no consequences. (or at least it seemed that way) But I won't get all nostalgic on you again... I wouldn't want you to worry.

What sucked the WHOLE time we were there, though - aside from the fact that we were in Texas, a state I have ALWAYS disliked, was the damn traffic. I just don't know how people can become numb to it enough to not want to shoot themselves daily in lieu of driving in that bullshit one more day. Maybe it's just me. But the traffic in Dallas is crappy and unnecessary. And could they please just let each street have only ONE name?!?!?!? WTF?!?!? Why do they have to have streets that start out being Main, then change to 137th, then change to Wilson, then to Collins, then back to Main, but only in one direction, because going the other way, it's called King Rd?!?!?! Thumbs down to you, Dallas. Your secret society of navigators is way too much for this girl to put up with.

I just noticed that we haven't changed our wall clock for daylight savings time. I was shocked that I'd been sitting here more than an hour when I realized it's not nearly 1am, but nearly 12am. Did I mention I LOVE that I don't have to get up and go to work tomorrow? :)

For you music buffs out there - I've found an artist I L-O-V-E love!!!! Madeline Peyroux. She sounds like Billie Holiday. Very smooth & jazz-y. If you're looking for something relaxing if not a little romantic - I recommend her highly. ;)

I suppose I'll get back to my homework now. Since I'll have some more time on my hands now - you might just see a little more frequency in my posting. But I shouldn't make promises I can't keep. ;)

Friday, October 28, 2005

It's been too long

Hello readers!

Sorry for the delay in writing. The past couple of weeks have been CRAZY with school!! I had a mid-term paper for my Literary Theory class that was consuming much of my time - followed 7 days later by the requirement of the first 2 chapters of my educational research paper. YIKE! But they're done. Now - I have to turn in 1 chapter per week of my research paper... And I have to start working on my term paper for Lit Theory. It's a critical paper - whatever that means. But we got to choose a literary work over which to write our papers, and I naturally chose The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I'll be glad to be working with a book I know so well. At least I'll be able to speak intelligently about it. I hope.

In other news: I have resigned at Check 'n Go. My last day will be this coming Monday, the 31st. I'm glad that I'll have more time to dedicate to my school work - and also to the pursuit of a possible job for the spring that doesn't involve ripping off the poor. Actually - I had a very promising interview at Tulsa Community College to be an Adjunct Professor teaching Freshman Comp for the Spring term. The lady said as soon as a position opens up - it'll be mine. So - probably by January - I'll be an English teacher at the college level.

For those of you playing along at home - let's review.... April 2004 - Cendant lays me off for the 3rd and final time. I decide to move to Chicago and start all over again. June 2004 - Move to Chicago with only what I can fit in my car. Live with my Aunt Carla and Grammy. Share a bedroom the whole summer with cousin Brian. Work 40 hours a week at a small travel agency where I am treated like a moron. Discouraged with my life in Chicago - I begin to think about the bigger picture... What do I want to be when I grow up??? I came at long last to the decision I knew would one day come. I want to be a teacher. Of English. At the high school, and ultimately at the college level. I began to look into going to college in Chicago. One word EXPENSIVE. I started to look at colleges back here in Oklahoma. One word CHEAP. The decision was made much easier by the fact that Alex and I - although technically broken up - were still talking everyday, and both still wanted very much to be together. Decision made. I would move back to Oklahoma. September 2004. Move back to Oklahoma and into my Mother's house in Tulsa with only what I could fit in my car. Find a really dumb job at First Data Corporation working as a customer service representative in a call center. January 2005 begin the process of taking classes toward Alternative Teacher Certification. April 2005 - Alex moves to Tulsa from Norman, and we begin living together. August 2005 - Completed necessary testing for alternative certification, sent all papers into the state for review and licensure. Begin Grad School - Master of Science in College Teaching with an English Emphasis. Cut to now - a year and a half after I decided what I wanted to do - I'll be doing it. How's that for resolve.

I know for most of you - that little review of the past year and a half was old news. But to me, it's significant. It is proof positive that I can achieve the things I set out to achieve. And that I can be successful. Trivia fact: did you know I made the best grades of my entire collegiate career once I started working toward this goal??

It proves to me - once you know what your true profession is supposed to be - you will succeed in joining it.

I hope this has inspired some of you to go out there and go after what you really want. Sure - it has taken some time, and money, and risk... But I am already seeing pay-off. And everything so far has been well worth it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Chaos and Creation in the Backyard

Oh, Paul McCartney... You are so talented.

Can I just say I am LOVING Paul's new album!! Alex bought it for me Tuesday night, and I've been listening to it non-stop since.

It's good stuff, in the way you'd expect Sir Paul to be. That's just how he rolls. He's a pimp.

But I digress.

For those of you keeping track of my professional developments - it seems I have an interview lined up for next week... At Tulsa Community College! I'd be teaching Freshman Comp probably, but it's a start, and it's not Check 'n Go!! One of the people I have class with at NSU had heard me saying that I was interested in getting in at TCC - and as soon as he heard of an opening, he let me know who to contact. Lesson: it is good to let people hear what you want to achieve, because they just might help you achieve it.

Should I get a position at TCC - my goal becomes this: Get enough $$ stock-piled away to pay Nov. & Dec. bills - then QUIT MY DUMB JOB!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO I don't think it'll take too long, as I only need about $150 to finish covering Nov... then it's on to Dec - and out.

It would be nice if I could quit now - cause school is starting to slide into that downward slope in which all the assignments start coming rapid-fire, and you just kind of hang on, and hope you come out at the other end without road rash. I have 2 group presentations to prepare for the week after next, a book review for Lit Theory due next Wed, and Chapters 1 & 2 of my research paper due week after next. AAAACCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus - the kicker is - I have to take the MAT. I've been procrastinating about it - but I have to complete it within my first 16 hours of grad work... And as of Dec - I've taken care of 9.

As for the rest of this week - I've got school tonight, then tomorrow I have to make ready the garage sale and price things, etc... Saturday is the garage sale - Sunday I get to recouperate, and then Monday - back to work. Busy busy busy.

For any reader out there who is finishing his bachelor's and considering working for a litle while before he takes grad school - know that working and grad school don't go together very well unless you're taking 1 class a semester, or doing one of those earn your masters in 18 months attending class just one night a week things. But for those of us not getting our masters in business, but instead in something fluffy and arty - work + grad school = BIG HEADACHE.

Well - I've complained enough for today. Time to study some more. yippie

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bottle of white... Bottle of red...

Hello again.

Well - my beloved Sooners lost to texas this week. It wasn't close. It wasn't pretty. But since the longhorns haven't won yet this century, I guess I won't begrudge them a victory.

I guess.

The weekend was nice. PERFECT weather. If the weather could be exactly as it was the past couple of days 100% of the time, I would be a happy girl.

Friday night we didn't do much as I had to get up early Saturday to go to work. But Saturday night, we had dinner with Alex's Mother, and then went to see The Greatest Game Ever Played. It was a good movie. It reminded me of Remember the Titans. Good times. Today, I had brunch with my Mom, Aunt Carla, cousin Brian, and his girlfriend Jennifer. We went to BBD's. I can recommend the Lorraine omelet to those of you in the area.

Then Alex and I ran some errands and are now back home. Dinner is cooking and Desperate Housewives will start in 30 mins. Then, it's back to the books. I've really got to get my Lit Theory mid-term paper done this week. And with the daunting task of the garage sale looming - that will not be an easy feat.

For those of you who emailed me regarding my last post - I'm really okay. I get prosaic sometimes in my writing, and I can see now where it might have looked like I was having a problem. I was sad that day. That day was not a good one. But I'm not suicidal or anything. :) I do appreciate the messages of support that I received, however. ;)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I miss OU in the fall

...and in the winter. It's such a beautiful campus, and I miss being there so much. Especially days like today when I'm feeling a little blue. Nothing fatal. Althogh sometimes a non-fatal blow rots and turns into a fatal wound. Time will tell.

I know it isn't interesting to many of you for me to wax nostalgic about my days in Norman. But I remember so fondly how the benches between the library and Adams looked covered in fallen leaves. And how welcoming the lawn in the north oval was all covered in snow. One year - it snowed so much that some clever students made a chess board and all its pieces out of snow. Dyeing one side red, and leaving the other white. There always seemed to be such hope resounding through the halls of the school. Even at mid-terms when all of the over-caffienated, and over-stressed students scurried about to cram in the studying they had left until the last possible moment.

There was hope.

People were in love everywhere you looked. Engagement rings were always the newest fashion, and always in style. By spring, wedding invitations papered the mailboxes, and girls ran about finding dresses and halls, while the men finished their classes, and began future careers. The feminist movement did happen. But one could never tell by looking at the campus in spring.

It was beautiful. This week - I am sure the campus is bursting with Crimson and Cream on every wall. Every student proudly wearing his colors - confident that Texas will fall once again to Stoops and his mighty Sooners. And I would be one of them. I would be just as confident, and just so clad. But I am here. And to look at me, one coudn't tell that I am a Sooner born and a Sooner bred. One could tell only that I am a student - with so many books that I can't even cary them all on my back. With so much studying left to do that I've always got this stressed out look deep within my eyes.

With a heart on the verge of breaking.

I miss the days when it was me and Phill and Allison, Lauren, Laura, Angie. But always me and Phill. I miss the days when I could just pick up the phone, and within 5 minutes - I wasn't alone, but surrounded by friends who wanted nothing more than to hear me laugh and see me smile. I miss the days when I wanted to pick up the phone.

I find myself in a strange new place where I don't want to call friends, and I don't want to go out. Maybe it's that I'm tired constantly - and I have nagging in the back of my mind the fact that there is something else I should be doing. Writing a paper, or reading for school. Maybe it's that I can't relate to the people I once called friends anymore. I'm different now - and no one has noticed it. Not even I had noticed it - until recently. And I don't reach out to new friends because I worry I'm not ready. Since I don't know who I am right now, how can I know whether I'll be able to be a good friend to a new person. Chances are - I can't.

I have so much guilt hanging over my head that Suzie has been living back in Tulsa since July, and here it is October, and I haven't made any effort to go see her. I don't call her - though I easily could. Suzie - who drove all night to come to my high school graduation. Suzie who has always been so sweet. Suzie. Whose wedding I didn't even go to. I should have moved mountains to be there. But I didn't. I feel so awful now that I couldn't call her. I wouldn't know what to say. No excuse is good enough, because there is no excuse.

Sarah calls. I don't answer. Not that I don't want to talk to her or that I don't love her. I just don't have anything to say. To anyone. Heather calls. Same story. I know if I'm not careful - soon no one will call. Still I don't pick up the phone. I leave it on silent so I won't hear it ring. If I don't hear it - I can't feel the swell of guilt. I can just swim safely in ignorance.

I'm not a good person.

And it's taken me a lot of time to come to that realization.

I guess what I'm trying to say is - I miss OU in the Fall.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It's October - why is it still 90 degrees outside?!?!?

So - I've been sick this past week. I'm thinking that working with money all day exposes me to lots of germs and that's why I've been sick TWICE since August. But I digress... Being all doped up on NyQuil and prescription cough medicine has had its perks. I literally slept all day Saturday, and most of the day Sunday. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better now, and am able to update my blog again for you fine people. :)

Sad news out of Norman this past Saturday. I can't even imagine what the vibe must be on campus after something like that. I noticed it didn't make the USA today - so for those of you living out of the region... I'll just say that a boy attached a bomb to himself and sat on a bench on campus and blew himself up. It is haunting to know the spot where he did this. It is haunting to think why he did it - or what sort of pain he must have been in to do something of the like. It keeps reminding me of when Phill and I saw the guy get hit by the train. Remember that, Phill? It creeped me out for weeks afterward. I'm sure this event will do the same.

On a much lighter and happier note, my Sooners pulled off a victory last week against Kansas State. I am really hoping they will beat texas once again and make Mac Brown cry. We shall see.

I'm getting into mid-term time at school. I have a huge paper due the 19th of October. Today - I hope to finish reading the book about which I have to write the paper. Grad school really is just like college, except the assignments are MUCH more vague, long, and difficult.

'Tis all for now, my lovlies....

Sunday, September 25, 2005

So I'm not technologically inclined - at least I've got my looks

I wanted to do what all the cool kids are doing and post a picture of what I'm currently watching... But I'm so not that good with HTML. So - everybody put on your imagination cap!!! It's time to imagine!!!!!!!

Currently watching: Desperate Housewives Season 1

It's actually really good. Yet once again, I'm the last to catch on to a fad... But Alex and I have decided that if we can start watching season 2 now - we won't be so far behind. :) For those who never got into it last year - I highly reccommend you go to best buy and pick up season 1 on dvd. It's worth the $$ and the show is NOTHING like I originally thought it would be. It actually has substance, and a pretty cool plot. And Terri Hatcher isn't making me want to throw large objects at the TV like she usually does.

Tonight - we're going out to dinner & a surprise for my sister Shannon's birthday. I can't post what is after dinner yet just incase Shannon reads this before we go. I'll let you all know how it was later. :) But it's gonna be fun!

Time to clean the house!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Post Toasty

What was this news, you ask? Well, this past May, I met a teacher from a local high school, and told her that I was looking for a job teaching English. Like, at a community college or something of the like. She referred me to a lady who is the director of the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Tulsa Technology Center (TTC) note: what I thought she said was that this lady was the director of the ESL program at TCC (Tulsa Community College) this will come into play later on in the story So - I immediately sent my resume to this lady, and never heard another word. Until a week ago...

The lady called me and asked if I were still interested in teaching for her. I said yes, and we set up an interview for 2 days later. I was so excited because A - I'd be teaching, and B - I'd be able to quit my job at Check 'n Go. I went to the interview where I realized that I was interviewing at TTC - a vocational school, and not TCC - a junior college. I thought "no big deal. We all have to start somewhere". Then, after about 20 minutes, she showed me the schedule, and pointed out the classes she would need me to teach. My schedule right now: Wednesdays: Class from 430p-10p Thursdays: Class from 730p-10p The classes she wanted me to teach were Monday/Wednesdays from 6-9pm, and Tuesday/Thursdays from 6-9pm. Problem. It was well past my add/drop period. AND - although she said it was merely a formality - I would have to be approved by the TTC board in order to be hired. And the board wasn't meeting until September 26th. So I would have had to gamble with dropping a class, and changing my established schedule for a maybe. I couldn't do it.

Plus - were I to actually get a job teaching in a high school this January, I wouldn't be able to teach for her and take masters classes at the same time.

In the end I sent her an email thanking her for her time and for the opportunity, but explained my situation.

I'm okay with it - but I'm sad because I'm now not teaching, and still stuck at C'nG. Hopefully I'll have all of my teacher certification stuff done by the end of October, and be able to find a teaching job for January. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

In other news - Alex is home!!! HOORAY!!! He came home Tuesday night, and I was SO happy to see him. We've fallen back into our old routine, and it's almost like he was never gone. Some call it "boring" - I call it "reassuring".

Those of you in the area - garage sale chez Marmee Oct 15. Come buy some of my crap. :)


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Okay, okay...

Some of you are getting restless wanting to know the possibly great news. I don't have time to post a full entry right now, but I'll say that the "possibly great thing" wasn't so great - and isn't going to happen. No - it has NOTHING to do with Alex and I. It's about teaching. :) Don't worry - I'm totally okay with it. Details later.

Thanks for reading. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Possibly GREAT news on the horizon

I don't want to jinx it - so I'm not going to say what it is yet... But by the end of the day today I might just have some exciting news to share!! Stay tuned!!!

how's that for a teaser???

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Comics & Slippers

Good Sunday, readers.

Thanks to an email I received from Tiffany - I know that at least one person is reading in silence. But I think that there are more of you out there. So I'll keep posting. :)

Yesterday was busy but nice. I went to my Aunt's brother-in-law's wedding in Bethany. It was in one of the biggest churches I've ever seen!! I was worried at first that they had invited 1,000 people judging by the size of it. But they hadn't. It was tasteful and elegant. And - as is the case with all weddings I attend, I found several little things that I want to rip off and add to my own wedding. :) One note about the bride - she was so beautiful! And not just because it was her wedding day, because 99.9% of women are breathtaking on their wedding day... They had a video presentation which showed pictures of the bride and groom growing up - in every picture, she was so beautiful. It was so refreshing to me, because I am going to guess she's a size 18/20 but she was not self-conscious... She was confident and new that she was a beautiful girl. Mega props to you, bride from the wedding yesterday. You rock!!

After the wedding I grabbed a quick but nice dinner with Angie, Chad and Scott, and then I headed home. It was sucky to have to drive 4 hours in a day, but worth it to see my friends and Donna, Tito, Emmanuel and Nick. (Who is LOVING his school!!) :)

I've been thinking over the past couple of days about trying to find a teaching job for the Spring semester. I won't be able to take as many hours in grad school, and that's a downside... But I would be gaining experience in front of a classroom, and I think that would help me out a lot. Working at Check 'n Go is not motivating, and it drains my very soul every time I go. But if I were teaching... Doing what I love... I'm thinking that I would be a much happier me. :)

So - I'll only take maybe 3 hours in the spring... But I can still take 9 over the course of the summer... That would put me at 21 hours. I could take 6 in the fall... 27 Then I'd only need... roughly 5 more hours to be finished. I could probably finish spring '07. And then I'd not only have earned a Master's degree - but I'd have a year and a half experience in front of a classroom. I'm thinking that is the thing I need to do. But I've been all mind change-y recently... So this is all subject to complete overhaul.

Today is errand day. I need to get an oil change. (Because my car is high maintenance, and literally beeps at me until I give it gas, or an oil change) Then I have to go to campus to the library for 20 or so mins. Then, I have to clean the house. Nothing fancy... Just things that need to be done.

I wish you a relaxing Sunday!

Friday, September 09, 2005

What?? Did I depress you?

I'm judging by the collective silence out there that either A - you've all stopped reading, because my life is only interesting to me... or B - I depressed the hell out of each and every one of you with my mopey babble the other day. I - for the purposes of my self esteem - am going to assume it is the later of the two.

I'm feeling better today. I came to the realization that I'm merely PMS-ing... I'll be fine in 5-7 days. (We hope) Side note - I find it interesting, and ladies - help me out if you feel me on this one - that every month I have my womanly cycle - and every month, I wonder why I'm cranky and bloated, and crying. I wonder this from its onset, until about 12 hours later when I FINALLY realize that it's just good old PMS... How is it that something I've gone through every month for the last 15 years still catches me off guard???

Your next question might be, "Amber - why are you updating your blog in lieu of doing your homework?" My answer is simple - I tried to do my homework tonight, but the reading that I have to do, which is on reserve in the library, was checked out. Therefore - I'll have to get it tomorrow or Saturday. Which really isn't great for me, because thus far I've been able to get homework done before the weekend even hit. Or at least the bulk of it.

So - I'm here. Hanging out. Missing Alex. But in one piece. :)

Up for the weekend... I'm making a trip to Bethany, OK to attend a wedding. My Aunt's brother in law is getting married. I'm not terribly close with the bride or groom... But, my Aunt's in laws have always been very hospitable to me, and as I was invited - I decided I should go. (Also - I'll get to see my Aunt & Uncle, cousin Emmanuel, and cousin Nick. And I'm really looking forward to hearing how Nick is doing in his first semester at NCSA)

That's all for now. I'm going to get ready for bed, and try to call Canada.

If you're out there reading - let me know. :) I haven't heard from any one in a long time.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Oh, Canada

Alex and his brother left this morning for Canada. It is amazing how quickly a home can become just an empty house.

Remember when I moved away to Chicago? That's the last time he and I have been apart this long.

UGH! I never thought I'd be one of those women who hated when her guy would leave town. I always thought they were just wimpy and rediculous. "He'll be back in 4 days" "it's only for a month", these were things I'd say to them. Before I had the good fortune to fall in love.

Now I know that being apart is so much more difficult than it sounds. For those couples who are separated due to the war - or their jobs - I don't know how they can handle it. Hats off to you.

As for me, I have a lot to do today, so I'm going to get to it. Alex says he'll be back before I know it. I have a feeling this time will crawl by, seconds ticking like hours. But we shall see.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Saturday - working

And hello again, dear readers!!

Here I sit - rotting at work as I write today. I am missing the season opener of my beloved Sooners as I type. :(

I need to remember to bring a TV up here for my Saturday sentences.

This week has been busy but okay. Lots of reading, not a lot of sleeping, and I've developed a pretty mean tendonitis (sp?) in my right thumb. Every night, I take mass amounts of ibuprophen before Alex wraps my thumb in one of my super chic scarves which has become my adjustable nighttime ice pack.

School was okay this week. A lot less terrifying. My Lit Theory class is still the hardest class I've taken so far in my college career... But I turned in my first assignment this week, and we'll see how close to target I am - or if I need to just give up. :) Kidding! I'm going to tough it out with this class. Even if I can't earn an A - I'm going to stick with it. I'm thinking that for the rest of my classes I shouldn't have much of a problem earning an A. It's mostly attendance, and as I am learning - the key to success in Grad school is keeping up with the weekly assignments. Really - if I stick to those like I should, and don't fall behind, none of this should prove insurmountable.

Alex's brother Sterling stayed with us a couple of days this week. He was working on getting his things packed up from their Mother's house. He and I had a very nice and semi-intellecutal conversation about the benefits of comic books. We also discussed Shakespeare. Sterling is someone I'm really still just getting to know on a personal basis (beyond just the fact that he's Alex's brother) and I have to say that he's a really cool guy. Intelligent and funny. He also enjoys long walks on the beach... Just kidding. I don't know if he does... But I was starting to sound like a personal's advertisement. In short - I like Sterling, and I'm glad I'm getting to know him.

I hope that Laura won't mind - but I wanted to let those of you concerned know that her Uncle and Grandmother who lived in New Orleans got out and are safe and well. They do not know the state of their home, and won't for who knows how long... But the important thing is that they got out, and are okay. For any of you who have loved ones in the New Orleans area, my thoughts are with you. I really wish that there were something tangeable I could do for the people who have lost everything. I wish I had a large home and could offer spare bedrooms. I wish I had a semi truck and could drive there with it - full of water, food, and supplies. I wish I could do more than donate what little spare money I have to the American Red Cross. It's an overwhelming sense of helplessness. I even felt guilty as I got out of my hot shower this morning, had a warm breakfast, and drove to work in my air-conditioned car.

But I can't dwell on it. I have to just be thankfull for the things I have that are wonderful in my life. My home, my friends... I could list a million things. Although I complain frequently... I really am fortunate in my life.

I don't have any plans for this weekend. Other than possibly helping Alex's Mother pack her things and prepare to move. What is really nice is - after today, I don't have to be at work again until Thursday!! (We get Monday off as a paid holiday) I am looking forward to being able to do homework at home in my jammies. :)

Alex leaves for Canada on Wednesday. He and Sterling are driving there and will be gone for 2 weeks. They are going - as some of you already know - to see Pearl Jam. EIGHT TIMES!! It does sound a little rediculous, but I am so excited for them. I know that they will have an excellent time! I'm going to miss him though. Who knows how I'll fare without him here?!!?

That's all for now, readers... I've got some work to do here, and then, I should start on some homework. WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

One week down - 15 to go.

So, I made it through week one of work + school with few scars. I have completed all of my homework for the week, and still managed to get in about 30 hours at the job. I'm only keeping that pace at work until after Labor Day. (so I can get the holiday pay.) Is it really worth it? Probably not - but I can't say no. One day, I'll need a favor - and one of the favors I've done will be ready to cash in. I hope.

I worked today, so it just now feels like the weekend is beginning. Unfortunately, for me, tomorrow will be clean the house day. This place is beyond messy. Marmee told me to get used to it - because the further into the semester I get - the less time I'll have to worry about housework, or cooking, or bathing... Maybe she didn't mention bathing. Hard to be sure. But, my thinking is - clean while I have time to clean. Then there won't be layers of filth. Or - at least not as many layers.

After work today, Alex and I went to his Mother's house to pick up some boxes of his things. She has been trying for 6 or 7 months to sell her house, and he's been procrastinating on getting his things out. I don't know what I'll do when my Mom finally decides she's selling our house. I have SO MUCH CRAP piled up in that house, it's UNREAL. After going to his Mom's - we went to Marmee's and had dinner. It was a good time. Marmee is such a riot. She gets to laughing, and her face turns purple, and it's just contagious. :)

I meant to post on here that before school started, I read the cutest book. For anyone who is a teacher (or becoming one), I recommend Thirty-two Third Graders and One Class Bunny by Phillip Done. Despite the fact that I am wanting to teach college-level students, and NOT 3rd grade, I found the book to be inspiring, funny, and relevant. I know most of you are in school - either teaching, learning, or both... But maybe over Christmas break - look into it. You'll love it. :)

Okay - I'm babbling at this point. So I'll end for the day.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Grad School - Day One

Okay - so day one, class one... I'm thinking I've got this in the bag. The prof let us know that we have an 87% chance of an A in the class - the rest with B's and very few if any grades lower than that. He quelled all my fears. Then I went to Lit Theory. And all my fears were confirmed!! This class is going to be CRAZY hard!! The teacher's style is like watching a Tarentino film! Completely non-linear and tangential. I'm SO freaking out!!! This class is going to be my undoing. I'm seriously considering dropping down to 9 hours. I think 12 hours might be too many. When I'm facing a 5 chapter research paper, 2 12 page papers, and who knows what else... Maybe that's enough.

I can't believe that I was sitting here in this living room already doing homework last night. I realize that for a lot of people - grad school is just like undergrad, except more expensive. I think that for me - it might be a helluva lot more of a challenge. We shall see.

What was nice was that I heard from some of the girls I made friends with last semester at NSU today. I miss seeing them everyday, since they were the closest thing I had to friends here in Tulsa. And it was perfect, because we were in-class friends. That way, we could hang out, and be friends, but still have our personal lives. It really appealed to my flaky side.

Can I just say that I am so thankful for Alex?? He is such a wonderful guy. He takes EXCELLENT care of me. What would I do without him???

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pre-First-Day-of-School Jitters

Can I just tell you all, I'm a little TERRIFIED of starting grad school!?!?! I always have some trepidation before a new semester - but this one has created bowl-shaking nerves... That might have been an overstatement, but you get the general idea.

I'm scared.

Not of the professors or the students. Just of the workload. And of the fact that I have to maintain above a 3.0 to stay in the program. YIKE! For the bulk of the summer I've had myself believing that the GPA requirement was just a good indicator that the classes would be easy and it would be no problem. But I think I knew the whole time that wasn't likely. And now I'm sure of it.

What I'm taking:

Educational Research
College Teaching
2nd Language Acquisition (online class)
Literary Theory

I am the most afraid of the Lit Theory class. Mostly because I'm worried I don't really know anything about it, and I'll be laughed out of the classroom for aspiring to be an English Prof with such little knowledge base.

What I'm finding to be surprisingly true, however, is that most - if not all - people have fears like these. Being found out as a fraud. Being busted for being underqualified, or worse yet - being discovered to be the moron you truly are. I am trying to seek comfort and solace in this idea. It's sorta working.

I also - at some point this semester - have to take the MAT (Miller Analogies Test) and pass it to remain in the grad program. Have any of you taken it? Do you have any pointers? Since it costs $115 a pop - I'm hoping to only have to take it once. We'll see how that works out.

I'm off to have nightmares about showing up naked to the wrong class now.

Sweet dreams to you, readers...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A few more pictures...

Here are just a few more pics from NY... I am working on scrapbooking for this trip, too - so those of you who live close by can see more tangeable evidence of out vacation.

I've got more pics that I'll post this week! So many to wade through!

PS - Do any of you watch Big Brother?? Cause, man - that was CRAZY this week.

Central Park

Central Park
Central Park,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
AWWWW!!! Aren't we the CUTEST!?!?!?!?! We walked through Central Park, and this is when we decided to sit down for a rest. We watched people ride through the park on rickshaws, and lots of rollerbladers and joggers. It really was cool that in the middle of a huge city, you can forget about the skyscrapers and subways, and just enjoy being outside.

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
From the harbor cruise we got a beautiful view of the Brooklyn Bridge. What you can't tell from the picture is that it was 4000 degrees out that day! We were SO hot!!

The View from our room

The View from our room
The View from our room,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
Despite the sorta scary mold marks on the window - we really did have a nice room. The window was a little... uh - dirty. But I think that was mostly because it housed a window unit air conditioner.

This view was really amazing at night. Even the traffic was pretty.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


It is at long last raining here in Tulsa. It's been too hot and too dry all summer long. I'm so glad to hear thunder outside my window - and I hope it means Fall is on its way!!

I really hate summer. Only because it is so unbearably hot. I realize that there are plenty of places in this world where it is MUCH hotter than here - and I pity those people. Because no human should have to live in a place where by 7 am it is already 93 degrees outside. Especially not me.

So - that's my rant about summertime.

I do have all the pics from NYC in my possession now. I'll post them at some point. Although I am delusional enough to believe that you are reading this just to see what I'm up to - and not necessarily just to see pictures from the NY trip.

On to what I'm up to...

I bought my books for the upcoming semester on Monday. Didn't look at them - just bought the ones that I was supposed to for the classes I'm taking. Wednesday night I actually looked at them and found that the 2 books for the Cognitive Learning class I enrolled in were "Teaching Secondary Students" and "Teaching Elementary Students". Um - okay - this class IS on my degree plan as an elective, but - being that I am wanting to teach college students - I didn't think that this class was exactly the one I want to take. So - I dropped it, and added instead College Teaching, which sounds like EXACTLY what I want to be taking. What was even nicer was that when I returned the 2 books I no longer needed - I purchased the book for the new class, and there was only one book required. And it is a small book. I always feel comforted by a small book requirement for a class. It just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. :)

I'm transferring to a different store at work. Instead of schlepping myself out to Owasso, I'll now be working at the store across the street from Eastland Mall. (The mall that time forgot) For those of you who know Tulsa well - you'll know that is less than 1 mile from Marmee's house. MUCH closer to school and home = less driving for me. :) I'll be at the new store as of Monday. HOORAY! Also - I'm going to part time hours. No more than 25 hours a week. I'll be poor - but I'm thinking that will leave me enough time to get all of my homework taken care of. I HOPE!

There are a few lingering nerves about starting Grad school. It sounds so intimidating, and I remember watching Marmee work her ass off when she was in Grad school. But I'm trying to remind myself that this is necessary to get to the classroom - which is where I ultimately want to be. (In front of - not just inside of) ;)

Today - Alex and I are going to see The 40-Year Old Virgin. Should be good times.

More soon. Thanks for reading! If you have a blog - let me know, I'd LOVE to read it!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Photos on the way!

I have FINALLY taken the film to be developed. :) It is due to be picked up this evening. I'm hoping that with my day off tomorrow - I can get some things posted.

In other news I am feeling much much better! And, as a plus - my company has decided that we no longer have to work late hours. HOORAY!!! NO MORE LATE NIGHTS!

I've purchased my books for school - and I'm all set for the Fall semester!

Aren't you all just excited beyond recognition????

Keep those comments coming! I love hearing from you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No pictures today, folks.
I’ve been WAY too tired and scatterbrained to even take my rolls of film in to be developed. One of the downsides to using real film, I guess.

I’m currently not feeling so well. I’m guessing that my allergies are pissed that I’ve come back to Oklahoma. Because for allergies – Oklahoma might as well be the seat of Hell. So – I’ve been sniffling, and coughing for 2 days now. And night before last – I was awakened by something that I haven’t been woken by in at least twenty years… Snot actually running down my face. I know it’s gross. And most of you are thinking this is WAY more information than you ever wanted. But tough. This is MY blog, and I can talk about whatever I want!! So – I had to sleep last night with a Kleenex stuffed up one of my nostrils to prevent future dripping. I’m sure I looked hot. Poor Alex.

Another weird occurrence last night was that around 3am, the smoke alarm in our apartment went off. There are several layers of weird here… A – There was no smoke. B – Our electricity went off last night, too – and popped back on sometime after the alarm started going off. And C – it took FOREVER for it to register in my mind that the beeping I heard was not my alarm clock, my neighbor’s alarm clock, somebody’s car alarm, or an alien ship coming to kidnap me. It was probably only 30 seconds – but in that “I just am coming out of a really deep sleep” fog – it felt like it took me 3 or 4 minutes to realize what was going on. And Alex slept until I got up. So – if there is ever a fire – I guess we’d burn.

That’s sad.

Especially since the smoke detector is RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR BEDROOM DOOR.

I had a hard time getting back to sleep after that, because my brain kept saying “what if that’s a carbon monoxide detector too? And you’re going to die because you ignored its warnings!!”

Sleep was more important than investigation.

I’m congested. Why is it that when you’re sick, it’s always worse at night?? LAME!!! I felt okay during the day today. Okay-ish, really… But now, I’m starting to feel all fuzzy headed, and tired. DAMN SINUSES!!

On a more serious note – I heard that my best friend and his new wife got into a car accident yesterday. They totaled the car – but the last I heard was that they were both okay. Philip & Jessica – my thoughts are with you. I wish you both a speedy physical, mental, and financial recovery from this!

I’m spent. That’s all I got tonight. Remember – I’d love to hear from you guys too… Comments are open to whomever – and my email DOES receive notes in the inbox. (Or – I THINK it still does – haven’t gotten any to test that theory recently!)

I’m out.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Thanks for reading!!!

Thank you all for reading my blog.

Coming up this week: More tales and pics from NYC
Ranting about the cost of school & books
Psychotic babble about work and it's lameness
Lots of surprises & kwirky twists!!
Just a quick note. I've gotten some emails asking if we got engaged while in New York. No. I will DEFINITELY let everyone know when that happens...

For now, we're happy living together. Very happy.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Part Two

NYC skyline
NYC skyline,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
We rounded out our pilgrimage by visiting Ground Zero. It wasn’t anything like the OKC bombing site was before the memorial was erected. Perhaps it is because it’s in New York City, the land of construction, but to me, if I didn’t know better, I would have thought it was merely an unfinished construction site. That was only my impression from close-up, however. From a distance, like from the harbor cruise we took, the space that the twin towers used to fill was haunting, and empty, but at the same time full of sadness and resolve. I know that Freedom Tower will help to fill that gap, just at the memorial site helped OKC fill theirs.


originally uploaded by amberqt.
We ended that day by seeing RENT with my Aunt Donna & cousin Nick. It was SO GREAT! I had seen it once before in OKC - but the Broadway production was FAR superior. (Not to mention, of course - the fact that Frenchie Davis of American Idol fame was in the cast!) The show was SO great - and afterward, we hung around and got autographs from the cast. I have to say - they were WAY nicer than I thought they would be. They hung around outside the theatre and took pictures, signed autographs, and just talked to the fans for at least 30 - 45 mins after the show. I think even Alex enjoyed the show. He didn't fall asleep once! We tried to get tickets to see Spamalot as well - but they were sold out until mid - October, and we didn't want to stay that long. ;)

Central Park - Strawberry Fields

originally uploaded by amberqt.
Wednesday morning, we got up and headed uptown... We walked through Central Park from Strawberry Fields all the way to - um... Well I don't remember exactly what the street name was, but we were by the Time Warner Bldg. (PS - Glenn, we didn't go to Jazz, because by the time we had schlepped our sorry selves across central park - we were WAY too gross to go into a restaurant like that.) Meanwhile - keep in mind that it's about 98 degrees outside while we're doing all this walking. For those of you who have never been to the city - check out a map - this was a HUGE walk for a couple of out-of-shape mid-westerners like us! ;)

THEN we walked to 57th & 5th... (Any of you ladies who have been there know, this means little blue boxes with white ribbons!!) Yep - we went to Tiffany's. But before anyone gets excited - we purchased NOTHING. I considered a pretty silver ring (for my right hand) but it was $250, I didn't like it as well as one I saw at James Avery for $45, and they didn't have it in my size. I contemplated shelling out $60 for a keychain or something just so I could have the box, ribbon, and little sack; but decided that was pathetic - even for me. I did, however peruse the diamonds before we left the promised land, that is Tiffany's... Gotta say, girls - if you (or your man) have the means, I HIGHLY recommend checking those puppies out!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! The website doesn't do them justice, but take a look anyhow.... Tiffany's

We walked by Bloomingdales - but didn't go in. I've been to the one in Chicago enough times to know that I can't afford even a pair of socks in there... And going in T & Co. was a humbling enough experience for my wallet and me for one day.


originally uploaded by amberqt.
We decided to go to Serendipity. I really wanted to have a frozen hot chocolate. Um, what the movies & TV don't tell you is that the entrance is as big as - oh, maybe a bedroom closet; it's not air-conditioned; the hostess is this 3,000 year-old hag who's been smoking since 675 A.D., and obviously has a very rigid object lodged in her hind quarters; and the wait will be AT LEAST 1 hour IF NOT LONGER!!!! We waited about 25 mins but when 15 more people came and packed their hot, sweaty, cranky selves into the waiting area - I had to get out. So we left. The rest of that evening was low key. The bummer about our trip was that we would get up and go go go, only to be COMPLETELY exhausted by dinnertime. So much so that we RARELY did anything at night. Not that we’re the club or bar types anyhow.

By Thursday morning, we were POOPED! But I was on a mission… I HAD TO HAVE at least one knock-off purse. If you’ve never been to NYC, you may not know… But these are A – illegal, and B – drastically varying in quality. After a THREE hour hunt – I found a guy who had some. I bought 3 Coach’s and 1 Kate Spade. They’re great. Furthermore, I only spent $110 total. Feel free to be jealous.

We didn’t do much else Thursday because we knew we were getting up at 4:30 Friday morning to head out. So we read, and rested in our hotel room. Looking at this – it doesn’t seem like we did very many things, but we both feel like we saw and did everything we wanted to while we were there. And we’re both SO GLAD to be home!! I have to go back to work starting tomorrow. (yuck) So, that is all I’ll write for tonight.

Thanks for reading! I’ll post more pictures as soon as I get them developed.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building
The Empire State Building,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
New York City – Center of the Universe

Alex and I got home from our almost 26 hour drive back from NYC about an hour ago. I decided that I should type up everything we did and post it before I forget the details….

We arrived on Sunday, July 31st in the late afternoon. We had time to do one thing, so we picked the one closest to our hotel – the Empire State Building. The line was CRAZY long, and un-air-conditioned. No fun…

Top of Empire State Building

Top of Empire State Building
Top of Empire State Building,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
But it was worth it! And a perfect first thing to do in NYC! It was only 3 city blocks away from where we were staying… But that’s like 6 Oklahoma blocks, if not more! And everywhere, we were surrounded by these New York women in flip flops, or stiletto heels walking around in the city. My feet were sore, and I wore tennis shoes the WHOLE time. I definitely salute the women of NYC – you definitely take to heart the saying “beauty is pain”.

Harbor Cruise

Harbor Cruise
Harbor Cruise,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
Up early Monday morning, we took the Subway to 42nd street and walked to the pier. We took a 2 hour harbor cruise. It was nice, and a really good idea – BUT, I was dumb. I didn’t bring sunscreen for us, and I chose seats on the upper deck of the boat – IN THE BLAZING HOT SUN. Needless to say, we both got sunburned. Alex is still peeling. Poor thing! From the Harbor cruise we saw everything from the Chrysler building, to Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen’s condo. Oh, and of course… Her majesty, The Statue of Liberty.

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty,
originally uploaded by amberqt.
Back on land, we grabbed a couple of $9.00 sandwiches, (PS – did I mention NYC was EXPENSIVE?!?!?) then on to the American Museum of Natural History. They had room upon room of dinosaur skeletons. VERY cool! They also had a HUGE display devoted to the Big Bang Theory. It was all really fascinating. We stayed until the museum closed. Grabbed dinner, and POURED ourselves into bed…. More on our adventures in the City tomorrow… It’s time for me to pour myself into bed now.