Saturday, August 20, 2005


It is at long last raining here in Tulsa. It's been too hot and too dry all summer long. I'm so glad to hear thunder outside my window - and I hope it means Fall is on its way!!

I really hate summer. Only because it is so unbearably hot. I realize that there are plenty of places in this world where it is MUCH hotter than here - and I pity those people. Because no human should have to live in a place where by 7 am it is already 93 degrees outside. Especially not me.

So - that's my rant about summertime.

I do have all the pics from NYC in my possession now. I'll post them at some point. Although I am delusional enough to believe that you are reading this just to see what I'm up to - and not necessarily just to see pictures from the NY trip.

On to what I'm up to...

I bought my books for the upcoming semester on Monday. Didn't look at them - just bought the ones that I was supposed to for the classes I'm taking. Wednesday night I actually looked at them and found that the 2 books for the Cognitive Learning class I enrolled in were "Teaching Secondary Students" and "Teaching Elementary Students". Um - okay - this class IS on my degree plan as an elective, but - being that I am wanting to teach college students - I didn't think that this class was exactly the one I want to take. So - I dropped it, and added instead College Teaching, which sounds like EXACTLY what I want to be taking. What was even nicer was that when I returned the 2 books I no longer needed - I purchased the book for the new class, and there was only one book required. And it is a small book. I always feel comforted by a small book requirement for a class. It just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. :)

I'm transferring to a different store at work. Instead of schlepping myself out to Owasso, I'll now be working at the store across the street from Eastland Mall. (The mall that time forgot) For those of you who know Tulsa well - you'll know that is less than 1 mile from Marmee's house. MUCH closer to school and home = less driving for me. :) I'll be at the new store as of Monday. HOORAY! Also - I'm going to part time hours. No more than 25 hours a week. I'll be poor - but I'm thinking that will leave me enough time to get all of my homework taken care of. I HOPE!

There are a few lingering nerves about starting Grad school. It sounds so intimidating, and I remember watching Marmee work her ass off when she was in Grad school. But I'm trying to remind myself that this is necessary to get to the classroom - which is where I ultimately want to be. (In front of - not just inside of) ;)

Today - Alex and I are going to see The 40-Year Old Virgin. Should be good times.

More soon. Thanks for reading! If you have a blog - let me know, I'd LOVE to read it!!

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