Monday, December 26, 2005

Auld Lang Syne

Almost 2006. The minutes are ticking away, and the close of another year is at hand. I'd like to think that as I leave 2005 behind, and take my steps into my 28th year of life that I'm a little wiser, a little funnier, and no worse for the ware. :)

This year in brief review for me has been a mixture of good and bad, progressive and static, and all in all well spent. I started off the year by begining my serious treck towards becoming a certified teacher. I took 15 hours of education classes; began plugging away at 3 of the 4 required state exams for the licensure; and Alex and I moved in together. By summer, I watched as my best friend got married; applied to and enrolled in my first semester of graduate school. Fall and winter brought me to 9 hours of graduate school; completion of my teaching certification; earning a job as a teacher (yay!); watching with pride as my Mom became a CEO; and the realization that I really can accomplish goals I set for myself, if I just commit to seeing them through.

Now, I am preparing myself for both my immediate future, and my distant future too. I am looking forward to being with Alex, teaching, continuing working on my Masters degree, helping Mom in any way I can with her new clinic, and maybe even making a few new friends. I've decided to start attending All Souls Unitarian church this year. And I hope to further my skills in knitting.

I'm inspired by this trend of blogging. I feel like it's a great way to keep in touch. I frequent all of my friends' blogs (at least the ones I know exist), and I love the idea that you are able to keep up with me when it is convenient for you. :)

Here's to a new year full of opportunity, health, wealth, and love!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld acquantaince be forgot and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne my dear. For auld lang syne. We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

1 comment:

a said...

Thanks Davey!!

I hope that your year has been as accomplished and happy!
