Friday, December 16, 2005

The semester is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay everyone - on three, take one BIG deep cleansing breath!!! WHEW! The semester is over!!! As of 9pm last night, I officially finished my first semester of grad school!! WOO HOO!!!!! And, you won't believe this - but I really think I got all A's!! Although we shall see if my Lit Theory final was as succesful as I think it was.

On the job front - I still haven't heard anything from Nimitz. I called them again yesterday, but they must be crazy busy with holiday plays and grades or whatever it is that needs to be done.

I do have a 2nd interview at Edison middle this coming Monday.

Either way - I've enrolled in 9 hours for the spring, and I can always just do another full time semester.

Cool website alert: they will take a culmination of all your favorite music, and introduce you to other music that you would probably like. It was cool - you should check it out.

Tis all for now. I have tendonitis in my right thumb, and it's really impossible to type.

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