Monday, November 07, 2005

It's 1145pm, and Texas still sucks!

Alex and I visited Dallas this past weekend. He had a comic-book convention to attend, and I thought I'd seize the opportunity to not only get out of town for a couple of days, but to see my friend Angel who I hadn't seen in WAY too long.

The trip was fun overall. When we arrived Thursday night, we checked into the hotel, then met Sterling (Alex's brother) and some friends for a late dinner. Friday, I stayed in the hotel room and did homework while the guys were at the convention, then we all piled into two cars, and went to Dave & Buster's. If you have a Dave & Buster's near your home, I highly suggest you go. It's an adult arcade basically. You can play skee-ball whilst enjoying your favorite alcoholic beverage. Plus - they have AWESOME food. We had an excellent time. With the tickets we won playing a highly addictive trivia game, we purchased some coffee mugs, beer mugs, and playing cards. Don't get me wrong - they had the stuffed animals, bouncy balls, and other things one would expect to find at a "redeem your tickets here" counter, but Alex and I were both excited that we can actually use the things we bought with our tickets. :)

Saturday I got to see Angel. She looked so wonderful, and it was great to be able to sit and talk with her. We reminisced about college, and all of our goofy stories. There was a bittersweet-ness to seeing her, though. It made me really miss those days when there were no consequences. (or at least it seemed that way) But I won't get all nostalgic on you again... I wouldn't want you to worry.

What sucked the WHOLE time we were there, though - aside from the fact that we were in Texas, a state I have ALWAYS disliked, was the damn traffic. I just don't know how people can become numb to it enough to not want to shoot themselves daily in lieu of driving in that bullshit one more day. Maybe it's just me. But the traffic in Dallas is crappy and unnecessary. And could they please just let each street have only ONE name?!?!?!? WTF?!?!? Why do they have to have streets that start out being Main, then change to 137th, then change to Wilson, then to Collins, then back to Main, but only in one direction, because going the other way, it's called King Rd?!?!?! Thumbs down to you, Dallas. Your secret society of navigators is way too much for this girl to put up with.

I just noticed that we haven't changed our wall clock for daylight savings time. I was shocked that I'd been sitting here more than an hour when I realized it's not nearly 1am, but nearly 12am. Did I mention I LOVE that I don't have to get up and go to work tomorrow? :)

For you music buffs out there - I've found an artist I L-O-V-E love!!!! Madeline Peyroux. She sounds like Billie Holiday. Very smooth & jazz-y. If you're looking for something relaxing if not a little romantic - I recommend her highly. ;)

I suppose I'll get back to my homework now. Since I'll have some more time on my hands now - you might just see a little more frequency in my posting. But I shouldn't make promises I can't keep. ;)

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