Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It's October - why is it still 90 degrees outside?!?!?

So - I've been sick this past week. I'm thinking that working with money all day exposes me to lots of germs and that's why I've been sick TWICE since August. But I digress... Being all doped up on NyQuil and prescription cough medicine has had its perks. I literally slept all day Saturday, and most of the day Sunday. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better now, and am able to update my blog again for you fine people. :)

Sad news out of Norman this past Saturday. I can't even imagine what the vibe must be on campus after something like that. I noticed it didn't make the USA today - so for those of you living out of the region... I'll just say that a boy attached a bomb to himself and sat on a bench on campus and blew himself up. It is haunting to know the spot where he did this. It is haunting to think why he did it - or what sort of pain he must have been in to do something of the like. It keeps reminding me of when Phill and I saw the guy get hit by the train. Remember that, Phill? It creeped me out for weeks afterward. I'm sure this event will do the same.

On a much lighter and happier note, my Sooners pulled off a victory last week against Kansas State. I am really hoping they will beat texas once again and make Mac Brown cry. We shall see.

I'm getting into mid-term time at school. I have a huge paper due the 19th of October. Today - I hope to finish reading the book about which I have to write the paper. Grad school really is just like college, except the assignments are MUCH more vague, long, and difficult.

'Tis all for now, my lovlies....

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