Friday, October 28, 2005

It's been too long

Hello readers!

Sorry for the delay in writing. The past couple of weeks have been CRAZY with school!! I had a mid-term paper for my Literary Theory class that was consuming much of my time - followed 7 days later by the requirement of the first 2 chapters of my educational research paper. YIKE! But they're done. Now - I have to turn in 1 chapter per week of my research paper... And I have to start working on my term paper for Lit Theory. It's a critical paper - whatever that means. But we got to choose a literary work over which to write our papers, and I naturally chose The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I'll be glad to be working with a book I know so well. At least I'll be able to speak intelligently about it. I hope.

In other news: I have resigned at Check 'n Go. My last day will be this coming Monday, the 31st. I'm glad that I'll have more time to dedicate to my school work - and also to the pursuit of a possible job for the spring that doesn't involve ripping off the poor. Actually - I had a very promising interview at Tulsa Community College to be an Adjunct Professor teaching Freshman Comp for the Spring term. The lady said as soon as a position opens up - it'll be mine. So - probably by January - I'll be an English teacher at the college level.

For those of you playing along at home - let's review.... April 2004 - Cendant lays me off for the 3rd and final time. I decide to move to Chicago and start all over again. June 2004 - Move to Chicago with only what I can fit in my car. Live with my Aunt Carla and Grammy. Share a bedroom the whole summer with cousin Brian. Work 40 hours a week at a small travel agency where I am treated like a moron. Discouraged with my life in Chicago - I begin to think about the bigger picture... What do I want to be when I grow up??? I came at long last to the decision I knew would one day come. I want to be a teacher. Of English. At the high school, and ultimately at the college level. I began to look into going to college in Chicago. One word EXPENSIVE. I started to look at colleges back here in Oklahoma. One word CHEAP. The decision was made much easier by the fact that Alex and I - although technically broken up - were still talking everyday, and both still wanted very much to be together. Decision made. I would move back to Oklahoma. September 2004. Move back to Oklahoma and into my Mother's house in Tulsa with only what I could fit in my car. Find a really dumb job at First Data Corporation working as a customer service representative in a call center. January 2005 begin the process of taking classes toward Alternative Teacher Certification. April 2005 - Alex moves to Tulsa from Norman, and we begin living together. August 2005 - Completed necessary testing for alternative certification, sent all papers into the state for review and licensure. Begin Grad School - Master of Science in College Teaching with an English Emphasis. Cut to now - a year and a half after I decided what I wanted to do - I'll be doing it. How's that for resolve.

I know for most of you - that little review of the past year and a half was old news. But to me, it's significant. It is proof positive that I can achieve the things I set out to achieve. And that I can be successful. Trivia fact: did you know I made the best grades of my entire collegiate career once I started working toward this goal??

It proves to me - once you know what your true profession is supposed to be - you will succeed in joining it.

I hope this has inspired some of you to go out there and go after what you really want. Sure - it has taken some time, and money, and risk... But I am already seeing pay-off. And everything so far has been well worth it.

1 comment:

AllerHeather said...

Congrats on not having to work the shitty job anymore! Yeah for you! Also, good luck on your TCC job quest and school. I don't know if I'll be able to make it back to Tulsa for Christmas, but if I do I'll be sure and give you a ring (the telephonic kind, don't get excited).