Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bottle of white... Bottle of red...

Hello again.

Well - my beloved Sooners lost to texas this week. It wasn't close. It wasn't pretty. But since the longhorns haven't won yet this century, I guess I won't begrudge them a victory.

I guess.

The weekend was nice. PERFECT weather. If the weather could be exactly as it was the past couple of days 100% of the time, I would be a happy girl.

Friday night we didn't do much as I had to get up early Saturday to go to work. But Saturday night, we had dinner with Alex's Mother, and then went to see The Greatest Game Ever Played. It was a good movie. It reminded me of Remember the Titans. Good times. Today, I had brunch with my Mom, Aunt Carla, cousin Brian, and his girlfriend Jennifer. We went to BBD's. I can recommend the Lorraine omelet to those of you in the area.

Then Alex and I ran some errands and are now back home. Dinner is cooking and Desperate Housewives will start in 30 mins. Then, it's back to the books. I've really got to get my Lit Theory mid-term paper done this week. And with the daunting task of the garage sale looming - that will not be an easy feat.

For those of you who emailed me regarding my last post - I'm really okay. I get prosaic sometimes in my writing, and I can see now where it might have looked like I was having a problem. I was sad that day. That day was not a good one. But I'm not suicidal or anything. :) I do appreciate the messages of support that I received, however. ;)


a said...

Did I just get blog spammed??? How lame! I thought I had a nice comment from one of my friends, and then this. What has the world come to?

AllerHeather said...

It's come to the leprechauns. I told you the Irish were taking over.