Monday, March 27, 2006

If it's a thousand words you want...

So - I'm having this strange craving for pictures. Not necessairly new pictures - but just lots of them. Pictures of my friends and my family - either with or without me in them, I really don't care. Do you have some pictures for me? Please email me any you have on your computer - OR snail mail me some!

Maybe the craving comes from the fact that I haven't actually laid eyes on most of you in WAY too long. So - I suppose you should feel all warm and fuzzy 'cause I miss you. But don't get all big-headed about it. :)

I'm doing okay today. I could NOT go to sleep to save my life last night. It was past 230 am when I finally got to sleep. And ol' faithful - my super annoying alarm clock blared right on schedule at 6. I was so pissed off that I had to get up. After a week of relaxing and sleeping in. Oh, spring break, you are a cruel cruel temptress!!

I input my grades for the 3rd quarter today. I'm ahead of schedule, because they don't have to be in until Wednesday. But I am already done with them, so I figured I might as well get 'em in there.

Okay - I'm babbling. I think I should be thinking seriously about going to bed.

Fait des beaux reves!


AllerHeather said...

What happened to your pictures (on this site)?

Anonymous said...

I took them off to conceal my identity. I wouldn't want my kids to know I blog. :)
