Saturday, April 22, 2006

TBS Saturday

Okay - As it turns out, I'm not dead... Just SUPER flaky, busy, and still in boxes from my recent move. :)

First - the move... Alex and I found the CUTEST house! It's a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2,500 square foot home here in Tulsa. The rent is a bit more than we were hoping to spend, but still within our range.

We LOVE this place! It's so cute! Brick with arches in the front - a nice yard in the back... It's so nice that we can be on opposite sides of the house - and not even know the other is there. :) (even so, we still tend to follow each other around the house) (how cute are we????)

Teaching is still going great! I really feel like I have a better handle on the kids, and I've even got some nice relationships with a couple of the kids. It is the most exhausting and fulfilling job! I have been asked back for the 06 - 07 school year, and have decided to stay on. I guess it's official - I'm a teacher!!

For the summer, my plan is to take 6 hours of master's classes. I wanted to take 9 - but they didn't have any other classes I could take. :( So I had to settle for just six.

In other news - last night - I was going to take a shower, and turned on the faucet - by some fluke - I ruptured a vein in my left index finger. It was truly disgusting! My finger turned purple-ish blue and filled with blood so much it swelled to almost twice its size. YUCK! But it's really ok. Just going to have an ugly finger for a while.

So - what is new with you, my faithful few???

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