Friday, March 24, 2006

Dear American Airlines,

Okay. First - sorry for the delay in posting. I didn't have a computer in LA - and leading up to spring break - I was a CRAZY busy person!!!

So - I've made it through my first 9 weeks of being a teacher. Miraculously - I'm still alive! :) The quarter officially ended March 17th. I've even got my grades all figured and ready to go. Coming up this week - my first experience with parent-teacher conferences! YIKE! :)

On to spring break! I was SO relieved and ready for spring break! No more work for one whole week! The plan was this: Alex left for LA on Thursday (3/16) and I was supposed to meet him there on Sunday (3/20) then we'd return together on Thursday (3/23). That WAS the PLAN.

What really happened was: I arrived at the Tulsa airport Sunday - was delayed more than 4 hours - went home, came back to the Tulsa airport Monday morning at 430 - was delayed SIX hours - flew to Dallas - missed the connection - had to fly to LA instead of Burbank. Then my luggage was in Burbank - so I had to wait 24 hours for it to be delivered to me. UGH!

While in LA - we had a fantastic time! We went to Universal Studios and City Walk, a great restaurant called Miceli's, and of course In & Out Burger. We got to see his brother a couple of times. It was a really fun time. :)

But then - it was time to come home. Dun dun duN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were scheduled to leave Burbank at 1237pm. We boarded the plane and sat there until 4pm. Then arrived to Dallas 3 minutes before the plane for Tulsa was leaving. Luckily - we made it onto that flight - but alas, our bags did not. Here's the kicker... At the last minute, I checked my carry-on bag. I just decided I didn't want to mess with lugging it around. And - as luck would have it - I happened to put my keys in my carry-on. So - when we arrived in Tulsa, We had no car key - and no house key. We had to take a cab - $40, then wait outside in 38 degree weather for an HOUR for the emergency lock-out service in our complex to come let us in. We got home at midnight.

But our bags were delivered here about 30 minutes ago - and now we're here, and glad to be home. :)

How was YOUR spring break??

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