Sunday, February 26, 2006

Goes to show, you never can tell.

My friend Angie and I have been discussing the sad fact that one can never truly know another person. No matter who it is, or how well you think you know them; really all you have is faith that the person you are trusting is actually who they say they are. And I'm not talking about people leading double lives - nothing that dramatic. I'm just talking about the secrets we all keep from the world that always find their way to the surface, surprising, shocking, and often times, disappointing those around us.

I won't go into any details for the sake of anynimity, but suffice it to say, both Angie and I found out some things about people who are VERY close to us that left us both hurt, shocked, and disappointed. (And it wasn't the same person - or the same act)

I guess the most important thing I'm learning from this is that if someone is bold-faced lying to me, when I find out the truth - I should just leave it alone. Confrontation won't help the situation, and neither will getting myself involved. Though - it leaves me sad, because I have (in self defense) become indifferent to this person who I love. I just don't care. I don't want to know anymore. I don't want this person to go to the trouble of lying to me, avoiding me, or even talking to me anymore. I just want this person to go on with his/her life, f*ck it up as much as possible - and then do not come to me when it all hits the fan.

Crappy attitude, I know... But I'm so tired of trusting people, only to be disappointed that my trust went unvalued.

Not that I'm so perfect.

Anyhow - it's been a busy week. My Grammy has been in town since Feb. 15th and I have LOVED having her here!! But it has meant that I haven't been home much. Most days - I'd leave the house at 7 or a quarter of, and then not get home until 10... But it has been worth it!! Eventhough she forgets things easily - and sometimes gets lost - and sometimes argues for no good reason, she's still my Grammy. I just take everything with a lighthearted attitude with her - and she doesn't get on my nerves. She gets on the nerves of some members of my family quite easily. What they don't realize is - A) She is not doing it to intentionally bother them - B) She is not going to be around forever, and then how will they feel having had such a short fuse with her - and C) None of us would be here today if it weren't for her, so respect is in order.

Again - not that I'm so perfect.

I just call 'em like I see 'em.

Maybe I need to take my high horse to bed for the night. Re-reading this post - it sounds like I'm staging an attack on all of the morally devoid people in my life.

I'm not. I'm just annoyed at the stupidity that I am faced with sometimes.

And I'm sure people get annoyed with me too. Probably more often than I realize.

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