Sunday, February 12, 2006

Time flies - and then no need to endure anymore...

Hello all.

So I find myself again sitting on a Sunday night scratching my head and wondering where my week went. It seems only moments ago that it was last Sunday night, and I was in quite the same position. Only sick. I am feeling much better. How does the saying go, "it always gets darker before it gets light"? Well - it proved true for me last week. I was so sick, infact, that I actually called in sick to work on Wednesday. I lost my voice more times than I can count this week. I'm still a little sneezy and cough-y, but feeling a million times better. Alex was sick this week too. So we were a miserable pair on Tuesday the 7th, which was our 3 year anniversary. He made reservations for us at a fancy restaurant for that night, but we wound up postponing until Thursday when we were both feeling better. We went to Flemming's on Thursday. It was nice, romantic, fancy, all the things that I love!! It is the kind of place where they check your coats, and they comb the crumbs from the table top between courses. And they have courses. :) We had a lovely meal.

The rest of the week was me being frustrated that I was sick. And then me being frustrated with the extra duties involved with being a teacher. These things make me think that teaching at the secondary school level may not be the best permanant place for me. But who knows? I'm only 1 month in right now. Once I get used to balancing my time better - I might even grow to tolerate the extras. Right now, they're overwhelming, and annoying, and really pissing me off! :(

I'm excited because my Grammy is coming to visit and staying for 2 weeks! She will arrive on Wednesday evening!! I love when she is here!! :) Some of my fondest memories are of spending summers at her house, going on a cruise with her, playing cards. She's really just a fun person to be around! I'm glad that she decided to come and visit us! She'll be staying at Mom's - so I will more than likely be over there a lot for the next 2 weeks. :) (which might be a nice break for Alex)

Things with Alex and I are going fine. We made our plans to go to LA for spring break (his brother Sterling is living there now). I'm excited! I haven't been to LA in 20 years. Sterling lives right in Studio City. I'm hoping to see lots of celebrities. (although I probably won't, and even if I do - I wouldn't approach them, cause that's rude) I'm excited anyway. :)

Okay - time to finish the laundry, and start thinking about bed.

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