Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You're my best friend, and I love you!

Phill called me today. You guys remember what Ber & Phill used to mean?? We were a force to be reckoned with. No one had a closer friendship than Phill and I had. We were inseperable. We were the idyllic best friends. You will all be happy to know that although we live 9 hours away from one another, we are still a force to be reckoned with. Kudos to Phill for never losing faith in our friendship. I have to admit that I had lost some. When he joined the married club, I was pretty sure he was going where I could not follow. And I was sad that when he moved away, he would become absorbed in his life, and wouldn't need me anymore. Scarier still was the fact that I wasn't all depress-y Jane over the idea. I used to fall to pieces if Phill didn't call me one day. I knew we were both starting to grow up, and I thought that automatically meant growing apart. But it doesn't.

We're different now. But as he said today, "as soon as I hear your voice, everything's okay again." I feel the same way.

So - props go out to freshman & sophomore years of college. Gellie, 'Stina, Laura, Schuster, Amy, Lauren, Allison, Nate, Steve, Drew, Papa & the boys, those jerk-off SAE's, The Mont, The C-Store, Block & Barrell, Couch caff, Dale Hall, the duck pond, Sarah McLachlin, and all the incense in Norman. And to Phill. Those were the best times. Of my life. And although Phill and I both wish we could go back - even for a couple of hours, we know we never can.

Growing up sucks. And at the same time is wonderful.

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