Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Interviews a-go-go

So I've been interviewed and interviewed. I'm thinking a teaching job is mine for the taking in January - if I want to take it. I have a 2nd interview with Nimitz middle school on Monday, and a 1st interview with Edison middle school the same day. Meanwhile, on Monday as well - I am supposed to call Central high school and let them know whether I'm interested in working for them.

I really expected finding a teaching job to be much more difficult than it seems to be. Maybe it's just easy to get the interviews. Maybe getting the jobs is a bit harder. Although I have to confess that I was sure I'd have to teach French somewhere because no English jobs would be available. And not one of my interviews have been for French. All English. Thank goodness. :)

Alex & I have been cleaning our apartment the past couple of days. I am ashamed of how dirty we let it become. Hopefully we'll have it looking all nice for this weekend when we put up our Christmas tree! We got a 7 foot tall pre-lit tree with all white lights. I'm excited! I LOVE Christmas and decorating.

The semester is wrapping up. I'm glad. It was hard. I still have my HUGE paper to write for my Lit Theory class & we have a big scary comprehensive final in that class, too - so it's not over yet. But it's getting there. I have finished my 5 chapter research paper that I had to write along with the 100 question take home final for my Educational Research class. Then, for my college teaching class, I need to write 2 brief papers & create a powerpoint for a presentation, then I'm done for that one. So - really, I just have to focus on the Lit Theory for a couple more weeks - then I can relax my brain until next term. (Which, with teaching, might turn out to be REALLY SCARY!!!)

Thanksgiving day after tomorrow - I'm going to Marmee's and spending the day there. We are going to eat around 5pm, which is later than usual for us - but we are accomodating Alex's schedule, since he has to go to dinner with his family around noon. (To which I was invited - but part of the fun of Thanksgiving for me is spending the entire day in the kitchen cooking, and Alex was so sweet to be understanding)

Hope your all your turkey dreams come true!

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