Monday, November 21, 2005

...and for cryin' out loud - drop me a line occasionally!!!

I got a great book this weekend! Teaching Outside the Box - How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains by LouAnne Johnson. You have heard of her before - she wrote the book upon which they based the movie Dangerous Minds. If you're a teacher - or wanting to become one, I whole-heartedly recommend this book!

I'm reading it, because I just might be teaching high school in a month or two. I've been interviewing like mad, sending out resumes, etc... Friday, I interviewed with Tulsa Central High School. If hired there - I'd be teaching on level 12th grade English. For those of you who aren't familiar with Tulsa schools - I'll tell you that Central is in North Tulsa in a poorer neighborhood. It would not be an easy job by any stretch of the imagination. It would certainly be a challenge. Tomorrow - (Monday) I have another interview. Nimitz middle school - 7th & 8th grade English. We shall see what they have to offer. It is comforting that I'm getting so many interviews - I was really concerned that it would be rediculously difficult to even get one interview.

Also on Friday, I took the Miller Analogies Test. Let me just tell you what a bonehead I am... I had to drive to Tahlequah to take the test - it's about an hour away from Tulsa. My materials all stated that I was to report to the test site no fewer than 15 minutes prior to the 3pm test time. I rolled up in there at 3:15. Luckily, they let me take the exam. Thankfully - they hadn't yet begun. I think I did fairly well on the exam. We shall see.

Friday night, we (Alex, Mom, Shannon, and I) went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I really liked it. Although, I regret not having read the books. I tried to read them after I had seen the 3rd movie - but they follow the movies so closely that I got bored.

Saturday, Alex and I shopped for Christmas ornaments and went out to dinner. Today, Mom and I went shopping. There is this store in Tulsa called Direct Sales which sells business casual clothing from Dillards and other upscale department stores for rediculously low prices. Imagine $17.75 per clothing item. I got some great new stuff. over $300 worth of close for only $100. Can't argue with a deal like that. We did our grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, and then I came back home to read more of my book.

Nothing terribly exciting.

Alex bought us Coldplay tickets for their Oklahoma City concert in February. I'm looking forward to that. Especially since Fiona Apple is their opening act. :)

I suppose there has been enough babble for today.

It's been awfully quiet out there, readers.... So I fixed the comments section of this blog site so you do not have to use a user name & password. Post to your heart's content!!

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