Monday, June 29, 2009

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

Being the only one awake in the house at 1am is a lonely feeling. I can hear the melodic sounds of Alex snoring coming from the bedroom. The house is dark, except for the light of a couple of night lights, and the computer screen. It's quiet, and quiet it shall stay. Alex begins his new job tomorrow, and I do not want to do anything to disturb his sleep.

My plan is to get up with him in the morning, make his breakfast and pack his lunch, and see him off to his new job. Then, if I'm awake enough - which, usually, once I'm up, I'm up... I'll clean the house a little since he is having some friends over tomorrow night. I also have to bake a cake, because one of our friends who will be over tomorrow had a birthday today. I feel so Donna Reed. Maybe I'll put on my pearls while I vacuum...

Or maybe not.

I had a small set back and disappointment today which I cannot post on the internet. It's a private matter, but suffice it to say that the old saying "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference" is not only true, but it's a painful realization.

So, readers... Do me a favor. When making new acquaintances, choose to embrace them. Choose to love them. But don't choose indifference. It is an easier way to go, sure... But think about all of the redeeming qualities that person might have that you are missing out on because you've chosen to ignore their very existance. Or, if you simply cannot love a person - for reasons even you cannot explain, then choose dislike.

But indifference?

What a cruel punishment.

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