Sunday, April 05, 2009

Come, mister tally man, tally me bananas! Daylight come and me wan go home!

Yesterday was fun. I always forget how dirty, crammed and full of truly strange people the medieval fair is! Marmee and I met up with Laura & Ralph. We saw plenty of people in medieval garb, we saw lots of vendors with leather, clothing, trinkets, swords, fairy wings, and musical instruments. Not to mention the foods! The normal fair suspects were present; funnel cakes, corn dogs, HUGE turkey legs... Plus there was a Celtic bakery and a place selling beef wellingon. How weird is that?? Mom and I each had a corndog, then she had a caramel apple (and I stole a couple of bites!) We just walked around looking at all the people & things for sale.

Then Marmee and I came back here - and she printed off some wedding photos. She wants to make little photo books for my nieces, nephews, and sisters.

I have officially gained 3 pounds. So the gym membership idea is becoming imperative. I don't want to hit the +5 mark. I want to be very careful not to undo the 9 months of weight loss. Plus - any gain might hinder the idea of getting pregnant... So I want to be SUPER careful.

Otherwise - I'm counting the moments until the semester ends! We're at 5 weeks. And I cannot wait to be done.

Then on to summer school.

Whose idea was this whole PhD? I'd like a word with that individual.

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