Friday, August 25, 2006

Okay, okay.... I guess I'll post


But I'm tired, and I won't promise anything wonderful.

I've been SWAMPED! And by "swamped", I mean at work 10 hours a day. I even went in last Saturday. It's been a whirlwind. But, I can honestly say that after this first week, I feel like an old pro. I'm not apprehensive or nervous. I feel like I'm a good teacher, and I know what I'm doing. I admit there are still times when I won't know what I'm doing, but they will definitely be fewer and farther between.

I've got a good group of kids. There are a couple who are more high-maintenance than the others... But none are too much to handle. :) They are EXTREMELY hard-working. And, I was even able to have a silent classroom for the majority of the week. :)

In other news - I've started a side job... I'm selling Gold Canyon candles now. They are better smelling than Yankee candles - and more reasonably priced. I was a customer, and then my cousin Cathy (who sells them) convinced me that I should make money off of my addiction. And thus - a dealer was made. :)

So - if you want to order candles, I'm your girl. And you should see (and smell) the Fall and Winter line! YUM-O! In other "yum-o" news - it's my girl Rachael Ray's birthday. I know she doesn't read - but I'm sending her best birthday wishes anyhow. :)

I haven't had much of a life outside of work in the past couple of weeks. So there isn't much else to report.


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