Friday, August 04, 2006

...and just like that...

Photos still on the way... I just haven't uploaded them to the laptop yet.

Man! Summer is gone.

Just gone.

Like Keyser Soze.

And after all of my bitching and moaning that I was bored - I am now wishing for June again.

But as fast as the spring flew by - I get the feeling that the year will fly by too.

This weekend, starting tomorrow, is my 10 year high school reunion. I'm pretty sure I've already said this - but I'm not going. It was more expensive than I was hoping, and I wasn't terribly (or at all) close with anyone in my graduating class. Yep - I was a loser even back then. All of my friends were in the class below mine.

Inevitably, I am feeling a bit guilty for not going though. Like I'm missing a rite of passage. Maybe I am. Oh well, perhaps I'll catch the 20-year reunion. For now, I'm sticking with "count me out".

*yawn* Time for sleep.

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